;=========================================================================================================================; ; ___ _ __ ___ _ __ _ ; ; / | ___ _____ ____ / | / /____ _ _ __ / | _____ _____ ____ _____ (_)____ _ / /_ (_)____ ____ ; ; / /| | / _ \ / ___// __ \ / |/ // __ `/| | / / / /| | / ___// ___// __ \ / ___// // __ `// __// // __ \ / __ \ ; ; / ___ |/ __// / / /_/ // /| // /_/ / | |/ / / ___ | (__ )(__ )/ /_/ // /__ / // /_/ // /_ / // /_/ // / / / ; ; /_/ |_|\___//_/ \____//_/ |_/ \__,_/ |___/ /_/ |_|/____//____/ \____/ \___//_/ \__,_/ \__//_/ \____//_/ /_/ ; ; ______ __ __ __ _ __ ______ __ ; ; / ____// /____ / /_ ____ _ / / / | / /____ _ _ __ / ____/___ ____ ___ _____ ____ _ / /_ ____ _____ ; ; / / __ / // __ \ / __ \ / __ `// / / |/ // __ `/| | / / / / __ / _ \ / __ \ / _ \ / ___// __ `// __// __ \ / ___/ ; ; / /_/ // // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // / / /| // /_/ / | |/ / / /_/ // __// / / // __// / / /_/ // /_ / /_/ // / ; ; \____//_/ \____//_.___/ \__,_//_/ /_/ |_/ \__,_/ |___/ \____/ \___//_/ /_/ \___//_/ \__,_/ \__/ \____//_/ ; ; ; ;=========================================================================================================================; ; ; ; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AeroNav Association. NAV-DATA AEROSOFT. FILES MUST NOT BE DISTRIBUTED TO NON-VATSIM MEMBERS! ; ; ; ;=========================================================================================================================; ; The Global Nav Generator (GNG) and all it sub-modules where created by the AeroNav Association. ; ; All files generated by the GNG belong to the AeroNav Association and must only be hosted on the AeroNav/GNG Homepage. ; ; The final responsibility for the content of this file lies with the publishing vACC itself. ; ; ; ; This file is protected by copyright laws. You may install it on your computer for your personal, non-commercial use ; ; only. The data must not be copied, photocopied, translated, reverse engineered, decompiled or reduced to any ; ; electronic medium or machine legible form, neither completely nor in part. ; ;=========================================================================================================================; ; AIRAC 2211/1 ++ Valid period: 03/NOV/2022 - 30/NOV/2022 ++ File-Publisher: Copenhagen - EKDK ; ;=========================================================================================================================; ;*** Approach *** .appclr Copenhagen Approach hello, identified, expect vectors ILS $arrrwy, information $1 current .final Contact Final with your callsign only on 120.205, bye! .ekdk Contact Copenhagen Control on 136.485, bye! .ekdb Contact Copenhagen Control on 119.555, bye! .ekdd Contact Copenhagen Control on 133.155, bye! .ekdv Contact Copenhagen Control on 135.565, bye! .esmk Contact Sweden Control on frequency 131.275, bye! .esmm Contact Sweden Control on frequency 127.755, bye! .esos Contact Sweden Control on frequency 118.405, bye! .tr Turn right heading $1 .tl Turn left heading $1 .clmb Climb FL $1 .desca Descent now altitude $1 QNH $altim(EKCH) .descfl Decsent now FL $1 .speed Maintain speed $1 .speedu Maintain speed $1 until $2 mile final ;*** A_TWR *** .conapp Winds are $wind, runway $arrrwy, continue approach, you're number $2 .land Runway $arrrwy, cleared to land, winds are $wind .vac Expedite vacate .wtaxi Welcome to Copenhagen, taxi via $1, hold short runway 12 .ga Go around, follow the standart missed approach procedures and call Copenhagen Approach on $1 .wctaxi Welcome to Copenhagen, taxi via $1, cross runway 12, hold short of taxiway Zulu .wctaxist Welcome to Copenhagen, taxi to stand $1 via taxiway $2, cross runway 12 .wb Welcome to Copenhagen, taxi via B, hold short taxiway C .wtaxict Welcome to Copenhagen, taxi via B, hold short runway 12 and Contact Tower on 118.575, bye! .wtaxicst Welcome to Copenhagen, taxi stand $1 via $2, cross runway 12 ;*** Control *** .inclr Copenhagen Control, hello, radar contact! - Cleared via the $star, runway $arrrwy, when ready descend FL$1 .rc Copenhagen Control, hello, radar contact. .esgg Cleared Göteborg via the $star, runway $arrrwy, when ready descend FL$1, to be level at $2 .clryt Hello, cleared to destination via $1, climb FL120, expect flight level change on route, squawk $asquawk. After departure $deprwy follow standard noise abatment procedure as stated in ATIS. .clrbi Hello, cleared to destination via the $sid, runway $deprwy, climb intially to FL60, and squawk $asquawk .dwa Contact Bremen Radar on 123.925, bye bye! .dwb Contact Bremen Radar on 123.220, bye bye! .eurm Contact Maastricht Radar on 135.45, bye bye! .sco Contact Scottish Control on 135.520, bye bye! .unicom Unfortunatly there is no further atc avaliable, monitor unicom on 122.8, bye! .enos Contact Polaris Control on 118.870, bye bye! .wapp Contact Copenhagen Approach on 119.805, bye! .eapp Contact Copenhagen Approach on 118.455, bye! .bremen Contct Bremen Radar on $1, Bye! .sweden Contact Sweden on $1, Bye! .polaris Contact Polaris on $1, Bye! ;*** C_TWR *** .contaxi Cross runway 12, continue taxi via $1 .dtwr Contact Tower on 119.355, bye! .atwr Contact Tower on 118.105, bye! ;*** Delivery *** .clear Hello, cleared to destination via the $sid, runway $deprwy, climb intially to FL70, and squawk $asquawk .readok Readback correct, report ready for push .readsu Readback correct, report ready for start up .readdn Readback not correct, confirm $1 ;*** Departure *** .idc Departure, identified, climb FL190 .idm Departure, identified, maintain FL70 .idct Departure, identified - climb FL190, direct $1 .idmt Departure, identified - maintain $1, direct $2 ;*** D_TWR *** .depapp After departure contact Copenhagen Approach on 119.805, winds are $1, runway $deprwy, cleared for take off - bye! .depuni After departure monitor unicom on 122.800, winds are $1, runway $deprwy, cleared for take off - bye! .depdep After departure contact Copenhagen Departure on 120.255, winds are $1, runway $deprwy, cleared for take off - bye! .bedep Behind the departing traffic, runway $deprwy, line up and wait behind. .depctr After departure contact Copenhagen Control on 121.375, winds are $1, runway $deprwy, cleared for take off - bye! ;*** Final *** .ident Final, hello, you're identified. .clrils On present heading cleared the ILS rwunway $arrrwy .tlclrils Turn left heading $1 cleared the ILS rwunway $arrrwy .trclrils Turn right heading $1 cleared the ILS rwunway $arrrwy ;*** Ground *** .pusha Push and start is approved, QNH $altim(EKCH) Face .pushd Traffic behind, standby i've call you back .pushb Traffic is taxiing behind you, push and start behind him is apporved $altim(EKCH) .taxirw Taxi to holding point $deprwy, via taxiway $1, hold short runway 12. .taxicrw Taxi to holding point $deprwy, via taxiway $1, cross runway 12. .taxist Taxi via $1, stand $2 .taxigi Taxi via $1, give way to the traffic on $2 .hold Hold position .ctwr Contact Tower on 118.57, bye! ;*** CUSTOM *** .pilbr Pilot briefing for EKCH: https://wiki.vatsim-scandinavia.org/books/danish-airports-charts/page/ekch-copenhagenkastrup .ekchinfo Here you can find more information about EKCH https://wiki.vatsim-scandinavia.org/books/danish-airports-charts/page/ekch-copenhagenkastrup .noturn NEVER EVER delete the disconuity in an open STAR! You are not meant to turn and can be causing multiple conflicts and destroy the sequencing into the final! Furthermore this is a direct breach of the Code of Conduct B8(b) & B8(c)! Read the charts carefully and/or watch this video: https://youtu.be/aG2NuogmcoM .direct For future reference you must be able to fly direct to an planned/unplanned WP when instructed by ATC as stated in the Code of Conduct B8(C)(4) .833 We have changed our frequencys to the newer 8.33 kHz, if your simulator cannot tune, simply put: ".COM1 XXX.XXX" in your pilot client. You can read more about it here on this "how to" tutorial: vats.im/833 .chart The charts can be found here: https://wiki.vatsim-scandinavia.org/books/danish-airports-charts/page/ekch-copenhagenkastrup .nocon .wallop $1 No Contact, First sendt $2, No conflict .nopush When unable to perform push to standart release point, you MUST inform us. For future reference please have a look at this page: https://wiki.vatsim-scandinavia.org/link/896#bkmrk-push-back