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EKYT - Aalborg

Available stands


Aalborg, or Ålborg, Airport is the third largest in Denmark. The airport was first opened in 1938 as the first provincial airport in Denmark.
The airport played a key role for the Nazis during WWII, as Aalborg was used as a fueling stop for their planes to reach Norway. The airport was heavily expanded by the Nazis during the war, and most of the military part of the airport was built by them.
Today there aren't any Nazis left in the airport, and in 2013 the airport experienced a major upgrade, almost doubling its capacity. In 2023 nearly 300.000 passengers used the airport.

ALWAYS remember, if you are unsure or in doubt then ask. We will always do our best to help you out!

Use of stands

In Aalborg, there are 10 parking spots.

StandDestinationAircraft type
1 - 8Schengen incl. domesticPAX
6 - 8Non Schengen incl. UK
10Any destinationHeavy PAX aircraft
11 - 12VFR, VIP & Misc.Smaller Aircrafts
Northern apronAnyMilitary only!

IFR clearance

Initial contact is with Tower, reporting callsign, stand number, and latest ATIS identification letter.
Remember to read/listen to the entire ATIS as there might be some specific info related to you!

As there are no SIDs in Aalborg your departure clearance will sound like this:

“Cleared to Destination via [Point]/[Flightplan route], FL120, expect level change, squawk 1234, after departure follow noise abatement procedure”



All stands at the terminal require pushback, except stands 1 - 3 where Prop and smaller jets may taxi out.

IRL pushback is at the pilot's discretion, However on Vatsim, it is up to the individual controller to simulate this or not.


As there only is one taxiway to and from the terminal, there can be waiting time either on RWY 08R/26L or after pushback on C.

ALWAYS vacate south and hold short of RWY 08R/26L


In Aalborg, there are 2 runways. Whereas RWY 08L/26R is the primary. RWY 08L have ILS CATI and 26R have ILS CATII/III.
Runway 08R/26L is not to be used.


There is no SIDs in Aalborg, hence you will always be cleared via a WP.
For flights bound EKRK/EKCH this will be either TESPI or TNO.

After Departure, you must adhere to the standard noise abatement procedures. These are:

RWY 08L - "Turn must not be commenced until having passed 2NM on R-262 AAL VOR." - Meaning after departure fly runway heading until 2 NM to AAL VOR.

RWY 26R - "Turn to the SOUTH must not be commenced until having passed 2000 feet"


There are no STAR's in Aalborg.
Expect direct to ILS fix or Vectors.


ILS is the only approach type normally used.
You might receive "Via [FIX] Cleared ILS Runway XX" Meaning after that FIX you are cleared for the ILS approach. The FIXEs are: RWY 08L - GIPUG & RWY 26R - BAKIT
Visual Approaches can be approved for all A/C types on request to the APP controller.


Direct routings

If traffic permits you might receive directs from both EKDK_CTR and APP.
The fixes normally given are the ones listed above, or AAL VOR.