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Adhere to RNAV STARs and rules for handing over to EKCH_F_APP, and read the following carefully

  • Use Euroscope time estimates to predict who comes first! (right click on AFL)
  • Cleared no more than within 45 degrees of the Vector point
  • If on an old AIRAC vector downwind on or outside of the Vector fix route
  • Speed 210-230, or as agreed with F_APP. Consider wind and traffic load and consider
      • 230 only if traffic needs to be expedited e.g. due to space in front, but not behind
      • 220 if traffic load is "relatively" low and tailwind not extreme
      • 210 if traffic load is high or tailwind extreme
  • Minimum average 7 - 10nm. If it starts getting difficult you must alert EKDK & ESMM for holdings.
  • If you need breathing room, ask EKDK and ESMM to adjust flow to a minimum of 20nm between arrivals
  • You get aircraft with an average minimum of 15nm between from ACC
  • Respect that DEP has priority below FL75

You should NOT talk to EKCH_F_APP. He is the Silent partner.

Talk to EKCH_O_APP and coordinate spacing as well as possible.

Don’t be silent towards EKCH_O_APP. Make sure airplanes come in a nice string with the following criteria fulfilled. 

Remember to:

  • When transferring to EKCH_F_APP make sure they are cleared to 4000 and the correct speed
  • Transfer by stating “Contact Final approach CALLSIGN ONLY 120.205”
  • Transfer ideally before passing Abeam Airfield
  • Do not accept too little spacing, but at the same time fit as many airplanes in as you can. 

Handover to Final Approach

The handover to the Final approach is a sensitive subject and requires utmost care and coordination from either approach. The following procedures must be met when high-traffic loads are present:

Aircraft must be unless otherwise specifically requested by EKCH_F_APP via RTI:

  • Cleared no later than the last point before the vector begins
  • On average 7 - 10nm separated from other traffic, unless otherwise coordinated.
  • If cleared to the last point before the vector begins the track MUST be within 45˚ of the vector to be followed, except for ERNOV2C arrivals
  • If traffic cannot be within 45˚ of the vector, traffic must either be cleared to the waypoint before, or coordinated with F_APP
  • SPD & ALT must correspond to the table below
RWY Altitude Inbound Speed
22L/22R 4000 MSL
ABEGI / ADOVI or earlier 200 - 230 knt.
04L/04R ERPUK / DOPEM or earlier
12 FEDJO / AGTIC or earlier
30 HUFO / COPHO or earlier

For Runway 12/30 in use all airplanes MUST have MINIMUM 10-12 nm in between!

All handovers to Final should be uttered with the condition «Callsign Only» «SAS42E, Contact Final, Callsign only, 120.205» 

EKCH_F_APP may use the TAG and ROF TOPSKY functions to request specific headings and request frequencies for aircraft when desired.



Adhere to RNAV STARs and rules for handing over to EKCH_F_APP, and read the following carefully

  • Use Euroscope time estimates to predict who comes first! (right click on AFL)
  • Cleared no more than within 45 degrees of the Vector point
  • If on an old AIRAC vector downwind on or outside of the Vector fix route
  • Speed 210-230, or as agreed with F_APP. Consider wind and traffic load and consider
      • 230 only if traffic needs to be expedited e.g. due to space in front, but not behind
      • 220 if traffic load is "relatively" low and tailwind not extreme
      • 210 if traffic load is high or tailwind extreme
  • Minimum average 7 - 10nm. If it starts getting difficult you must alert EKDK & ESMM for holdings.
  • MONAK may come with as little as 10nm if there are no TIDVU arrivals. MONAK will be busy
  • Respect that DEP has priority below FL75

You should NOT talk to EKCH_F_APP. He is the Silent partner.

Talk to EKCH_W_APP and coordinate spacing as well as possible.

Don’t be silent towards EKCH_W_APP. Make sure airplanes come in a nice string with the following criteria fulfilled.

Remember to:

  • When transferring to EKCH_F_APP make sure they have 4000 and the correct speed as agreed upon
  • Transfer by stating “Contact Final approach CALLSIGN ONLY 120.205”
  • Transfer ideally before passing Abeam Airfield
  • Keep the ACCs honest regarding minimum spacing
  • Caution climbing aircraft around ESJAH/NEKSO

Handover to Final Approach

The handover to the Final approach is a sensitive subject and requires utmost care and coordination from either approach. The following procedures must be met when high-traffic loads are present:

Aircraft must be unless otherwise specifically requested by EKCH_F_APP via RTI:

  • Cleared no later than the last point before the vector begins
  • On average 7 - 10nm separated from other traffic, unless otherwise coordinated.
  • If cleared to the last point before the vector begins the track MUST be within 45˚ of the vector to be followed, except for ERNOV2C arrivals
  • If traffic cannot be within 45˚ of the vector, traffic must either be cleared to the waypoint before, or coordinated with F_APP
  • SPD & ALT must correspond to the table below
RWY Altitude Inbound Speed
22L/22R 4000 MSL
ABEGI / ADOVI or earlier 200 - 230 knt.
04L/04R ERPUK / DOPEM or earlier
12 FEDJO / AGTIC or earlier
30 HUFO / COPHO or earlier

For Runway 12/30 in use all airplanes MUST have MINIMUM 10-12 nm in between!

All handovers to Final should be uttered with the condition «Callsign Only» «SAS42E, Contact Final, Callsign only, 120.205» 

EKCH_F_APP may use the TAG and ROF TOPSKY functions to request specific headings and request frequencies for aircraft when desired.


  • at highest load you should get around 7-10nm between each airplane to fit them into a 3-4nm final
    • If you do NOT get that, tell them immediately!! Or you will get buried
  • Consider putting on a vector before the vector-fix to avoid accidental base turn
  • Standard separation on the final should be between 3-5nm, however, try to maintain a sharp 3 nm.
  • Ensure 3nm or greater before handing it over to TWR
  • If you are NOT able to sequence an aircraft in, turn it back to approach, for sequencing

Speed control before handover
ask for 220 for normal periods with tailwind not extreme
ask for 210 for periods with high load (more than 15nm finals) and extreme tailwind

Speed control
keep handover speed until turning base. Consider using 200, never less than 180
The slower the airplane the more backed up they will get, because subsequent airplanes are so much faster

Once on the ILS 180kts! 200kts if they need to catch up to airplane ahead. 160 kts once desired separation is achieved. Never minimum approach speed unless LOS is imminent

Speed control within 10nm on the ILS must be EITHER:
180 until 6-DME if they need to catch up to the guy ahead
otherwise 160 until 4-DME

Dependent parallel operations: Minimum 2nm between arrivals on parallel runways.

Advise aircraft of the aircraft landing on parallel, and transfer ALWAYS to EKCH_A_TWR for both runways

If the final gets 20nm or more, you need to enforce a complete approach stop! Do everything in your power to avoid this!!

For RIU 12/30 aim for 5nm finals to give space to departures and/or crossings