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Rules for "Vectors to Copenhagen"

Below are rules and guidelines for Vectors to Copenhagen. These must be adhered to and followed by every member to ensure a smooth event.


1.Do NOT crossbook

  • This means if somebody has booked two positions (one early and one late) you shall NOT book the same two positions in reverse order
  • This is because it would leave a gap inbetween changes

2. Do NOT book non-essentialsimilar positions untilevery allweek

  • Controllers may not book the same position two weeks in a row, unless no other positions are bookedavailable or directed by a staff member for youroperational rating class
    • ExceptionControllers mayshall extraordinarilyaim be takennot to book Approacha positions.position therethey musthave behad minimum three Approach controllers out ofon the foursame positions, (O, W, DEP, FINAL) butshift the delegationlast two weeks, unless no other is upavailable to the controller itself. this ONLY is validor for APPoperational positions
    • All solo endorsements are free to book non-essential positions, regardless of which essential positions are bookedreasons.

    3. Booking etiquette must be strictly observed

    • If you cancel your booking less than 48 hours before the event (Saturday evening) Please write in the VTC staffing thread to make other members aware, so that they may rebook. 
    • If you cancel your booking less than 24 hours before the event, take whatever actions needed to make sure your position is covered. Talk to people yourself, or suggest movement of roster. 
    • While force majeure can happen you must be confident you can show up when you book a position. If you are not completely sure, book a less critical position (A_TWR, A_GND,W_APP,F_APP are critical)
    • If a position opens up, show consideration to people on other booked positions and be just a tad respectful to people who booked before you.
      • EXAMPLE: D_TWR, A_TWR and non-essential C_TWR is booked. A_TWR cancel their booking. Give the two other booked controllers a chance to staff this position, and take their secondary position.
      • If in doubt? Write on the VTC thread to sort it out.
    • Be ready to control at the time you have booked. Be 5 minutes early, not 5 minutes late. Inform others if you will be delayed


    1. Rules and Procedures

    • Be properly familiar with the LAI for your position. 
    • Read through the VTC briefing for each position where common pitfalls are highlighted
    • Ensure you are not only qualified but also capable for the position you control
      • EXAMPLE: If you are fresh checked out followed by 3 months of inactivity, EKCH_F_APP on late will not be for you. use common sense

    2. Switching of positions

    • If youyour position closes after you switch, consider switching early (10 min before) to have everybody changed at 20.30
    • If you sit at a less busy position be the one who take initiative to begin the changing 5 minutes before (20.25). It is a chain reaction and it must be started somewhere. Identify if you are in the best position to be that person. 
    • relieving a controller should be done with the callsign XXXX_X1_XXX. Do not take priority over the frequency until relieved controller is ready


    1. Euroscope

    • All controllers must have the latest sector files installed with the latest "approved" version of Euroscope by VATSIM-Scandinavia.

    2. Plugins

    • vStrips must be installed and used by all ground controllers
    • CDMVaCDM plugin mustis beencouraged Check documentation hereuse
    • vATIS must be updated before each use