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🔵 EFJY - Jyväskylä


Jyväskylä Airport is situated in central Finland, around 20 kilometers north of Jyväskylä city center. It serves as a hub for both commercial and general aviation activities, though it primarily handles charter and training flights rather than regular commercial passenger services.

The airport is also home to a Finnish Air Force base, where the Air Force Academy conducts flight training and various military operations.


ATC positions

Jyväskylä is a controlled airport with aerodrome control- and approach control service. This service can be combined (tower-radar), or separate. Jyväskylä Arrival and/or Ground can also be opened according to the demand.

Logon code Call sign Frequency Responsibilities
EFJY_GND JYVÄSKYLÄ GROUND 121.850 ATC Clearance & Ground Movement
EFJY_TWR JYVÄSKYLÄ TOWER 118.000 Jyväskylä Control Zone
EFJY_R_TWR JYVÄSKYLÄ TOWER 118.000 Jyväskylä Control Zone & Terminal Area
EFJY_APP JYVÄSKYLÄ RADAR 127.000 Jyväskylä Terminal Area
EFJY_R_APP JYVÄSKYLÄ ARRIVAL 128.800 Jyväskylä Terminal Area - arrivals below 5000 FT

Ground layout


  • The main apron is located next to the Control Tower north-east of the runway
  • Stands 1, 2, 3 and 4 may be used for passenger flights
  • All stands are designed so that push back is not necessary
  • General aviation aircraft are usually parked on the apron next to taxiway V

The area south of the runway is for military only. There are also taxiways north of taxiway T leading to aprons for military traffic and QRA flights.


Jyväskylä airport has one runway, 12/30.

The ILS (Instrument Landing System) is in use for runway 30 only. The ILS system is used to conduct approaches under normal circumstances and in limited visibility conditions. The flight routes near the airport and the choice of runway direction are influenced by external conditions, such as wind speed and direction, cloud base, visibility, runway conditions, available approach procedures, and traffic situation.

Take-offs from runway intersections can be performed upon the pilot's request the traffic situation permitting

Currently available stands

Stand restrictions

  • Stands 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the Civil Apron can fit up to Code C aeroplanes. Use caution when moving on the apron, especially if the other stand is blocked
  • Military aircraft will not be assigned a stand after arrival. ATC will only give "taxi to Apron"

En-route clearance

Please, do not include the SID in your flight plan route.

By default the local tower controller will give clearance to requested cruise flight level.

There are no SID routes at Jyväskylä. Pilots may expect a DCT route or vector after departure.

  • Please check the OMNIDIRECTIONAL DEPARTURES chart for the turning altitude:
    • RWY 12: Climb straight ahead until 850 FT, then turn DCT towards cleared waypoint or heading
    • RWY 30: Climb straight ahead until 1130 FT, then turn DCT towards cleared waypoint or heading

Departure with direct route:

🎧 Fastair 312, cleared to Helsinki, runway 12, direct Xelma, flight level 100, expect radar climb, squawk 5542
Fastair 312, selvä Helsinkiin, kiitotie 12, lähdöstä suoraan Xelma, lentopinta 100, odota tutka nousua, koodaa 5542

Departure with vector:

🎧 Fastair 312, cleared to Helsinki, runway 12, after departure fly heading 090, climb to flight level 190, expect vectoring to Xelma, squawk 5542
Fastair 312, selvä Helsinkiin, kiitotie 12, lähdön jälkeen lennä ohjaussuuntaan 090, nouse lentopinnalle 190, odota tutkavektorointia Xelmalle, koodaa 5542


Please, do not include the STAR in your flight plan route.

Runway 30 is the only runway with an ILS approach system. This makes runway 30 the preferred runway during Low Visibility Operations.

  • ILS Z approach is used for RNAV capable aircraft
  • ILS Y approach is used for non-RNAV aircraft (based on VOR navigation)

When runway 12 is in use, pilots may expect to be cleared for RNP approach.

Arriving aircraft may be cleared for the approach already on initial contact with the local controller. Please be ready to copy any clearance and instructions.

Phraseology example:

  • On initial contact with approach control, please include the following:
    • Call sign
    • Current flight level
    • Assigned flight level
    • Aircraft type (and wake turbulence category if necessary)
    • Received ATIS broadcast
    • Other restrictions given by previous controller
👨‍✈️ Jyväskylä tower, Finnair 285, flight level 190, when ready descending flight level 100, ATR 72, information L
Jyväskylän torni, Finnair 285, lentopinta 190, kun valmis laskeudutaan lentopinnalle 100, ATR 72, tiedotus L
🎧 Finnair 285, Jyväskylä tower, radar contact, when ready descent to 2900 feet, QNH 998, via Etnup cleared RNP approach runway 12, report final approach course, for information next 20 miles below flight level 95 uncontrolled airspace
Finnair 285, Jyväskylän torni, tutkayhteys, jatka laskeutumista 2900 jalkaan, QNH 998, Etnupin kautta selvä RNP lähestymiseen kiitotie 12, ilmoita loppulähestymissuunnassa, tiedoksi seuraavat 20 mailia alle lentopinnan 95 valvomatonta ilmatilaa
👨‍✈️ Continue descent to 2900 feet, QNH 998, via Etnup cleared RNP approach runway 12, wilco, Finnair 285
Jatkan laskeutumista 2900 jalkaan, QNH 998, Etnupin kautta selvä RNP lähestymiseen kiitotie 12, ilmoitan, Finnair 285

Operations in Low Visibility Conditions

Take-offs are allowed when the reported RVR is between 400 meters and 300 meters, provided that only one aircraft at a time is in the manoeuvring area.

The Low Visibility Procedures for Take-offs (LVPTO) procedure will be taken in force gradually as follows:

  • RVR is 800 - 550 M
  • RVR is less than 550 M
  • Procedure will be in force when Touchdown zone (TDZ) or Midpoint or Stop End RVR-value falls below 550 M.

ATC will give the real RVR value(s) on frequency prior take-off or landing or whenever requested by the pilot.

Jyväskylä has only ILS CAT 1 approach available for runway 30.

There are also LPV approaches available for both runways (Lateral Precision with Vertical Guidance Approach). See the RNP approach charts for more information.