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🔵 EFKU - Kuopio


DESCKuopio Airport is located in the heart of Finland's northern Lakeland district, approximately 14 kilometers north of Kuopio city center. It is the seventh busiest airport in Finland, serving both commercial and general aviation flights.

Kuopio also has a Finnish Air Force base, with the Karelia Air Command making use of the airport for various training and operational purposes.


ATC positions

Kuopio is a controlled airport with aerodrome control- and approach control service. This service can be combined (tower-radar), or separate. Kuopio Arrival position can also be opened when arrival rate is high.

Logon code Call sign Frequency Responsibilities
EFKU_TWR KUOPIO TOWER 120.150 Ground movement, Kuopio Control Zone
EFOU_R_TWR KUOPIO TOWER 120.150 Ground movement, Kuopio Control Zone & Terminal Area
EFKU_APP KUOPIO RADAR 130.600 Kuopio Terminal Area
EFKU_R_APP KUOPIO ARRIVAL 122.850 Kuopio Terminal Area - arrivals below 5000 FT

Ground layout


  • The main apron is located northnext to the Control Tower south of the runway 30 threshold
  • Stands 131, to2, 163 and 4 can be used for passenger flights
  • All stands are equippeddesigned withso jetbridgesthat push back is not necessary
  • General aviation aircraft are usually parked at Apron 3 (taxiway G)
  • Medical helicopter base is located aton the endapron ofnext to taxiway VH

Military apronThere is locateda military apron south of the runway atnext taxiwayto M.taxiways L and G. There are also two aprons north of the runway used for military traffic and QRA flights.


OuluKuopio is equipped with one runway 12/30.15/33. The preferred runway is considered to be runway 1215 for arrivalsdepartures and runway 3033 for departures.arrivals.

Currently available stands

Stand restrictions


En-route clearance

Please, do not include the SID in your flight plan route.

By default the local tower controller will give clearance to requested cruise flight level.

Departure with SID:

🎧 Fastair 312, cleared to Helsinki, runway 12, Miknu 4A departure, flight level 350, squawk 5542
Fastair 312, selvä Helsinkiin, kiitotie 12, Miknu 4A lähtöreitti, lentopinta 350, koodaa 5542

Departure with direct route:

🎧 Fastair 312, cleared to Helsinki, runway 12, direct Ibosu, flight level 150, expect radar climb, squawk 5542
Fastair 312, selvä Helsinkiin, kiitotie 12, lähdöstä suoraan Ibosu, lentopinta 150, odota tutka nousua, koodaa 5542


Please, do not include the STAR in your flight plan route.

Runway 12 is the only runway with an ILS approach system. This makes runway 12 the preferred runway during Low Visibility Operations.

When approaching runway 30, pilots may expect to be cleared for RNP approach.

Arriving aircraft may be cleared for the approach already on initial contact with the local controller. Please be ready to copy any clearance and instructions.

Phraseology example:

  • On initial contact with approach control, please include the following:
    • Call sign
    • Current flight level
    • Assigned flight level
    • Aircraft type (and wake turbulence category if necessary)
    • Received ATIS broadcast
    • Other restrictions given by previous controller
👨‍✈️ Oulu tower, Finnair 4MW, passing flight level 202 for flight level 100, Airbus 320, information Q
Oulun torni, Finnair 4MW, läpäisen lentopinnan 202 lentopinnalle 100, Airbus 320, tiedotus Q
🎧 Finnair 4MW, Oulu tower, radar contact, continue descent to 2300 feet, QNH 1032, cleared ILS Z approach runway 12, right circuit, report established on localizer, for information next 20 miles below flight level 95 uncontrolled airspace
Finnair 4MW, Oulun torni, tutkayhteys, jatka laskeutumista 2300 jalkaan, QNH 1032, selvä ILS Z lähestymiseen kiitotie 12, oikea kierros, ilmoita suuntasäteessä, tiedoksi seuraavat 20 mailia alle lentopinnan 95 valvomatonta ilmatilaa
👨‍✈️ Continue descent to 2300 feet, QNH 1032, cleared ILS Z approach runway 12, right circuit, wilco, Finnair 4MW
Jatkan laskeutumista 2300 jalkaan, QNH 1032, selvä ILS Z lähestymiseen kiitotie 12, oikea kierros, ilmoitan, Finnair 4MW

Medical helicopter

General information

ICAO call signFIH 50
SSR code0005
Agreed routeDCT, MAX 1300 FT
base flight rulesVFR (IFR visual take-off and landing approved)

Medical helicopter pilot shall select transponder code 0005 prior to contacting Oulu Tower.

Departure from base

  • VTOL PC1 take-off from FATO
  • Initial climb in runway direction H110 or H290 (picture)

ATC will give VFR clearance (normally direct en-route, 1300 feet or below) and ask pilot to report when airborne. No take-off clearance is given when departing directly from apron.


Arrival to base

  • Final approach in runway direction H110 or H290
  • Aimpoint FIH FATO
  • VTOL PC1 landing

ATC will normally give a clearance for approach to own base and ask the pilot to report on ground. No landing clearance is given when arriving directly to apron.