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GNG Package Changelog

This page contains an unfiltered technical changelog to the Swedish GNG package and its content.package.

For a filtered summary optimised for controllers, see ORH - Operational Revision Highlights.

AIRAC 2401

AIRAC changes

  • New significant points added: ARJUD and SEJPA
  • ESD186 Trängsletdammen completely withdrawn.
  • ESMQ NDB KM withdrawn.
  • ESSA RNP Z 01R renamed RNP W.

Non AIRAC changes

  • TS VCCS: EKDK positions revised.
Files updated


  • (.sct, .ese, .prf, and files in ICAO- and NavData folders always updated.)
  • TopSkyAreas.txt
  • TopSkyMaps.txt
  • VCCSSettings.txt

AIRAC 2312

AIRAC changes

  • ESJS Skellefteå Lasarett Added

Non AIRAC changes

  • ESAA_TMC.asr is now split into two ASR. One specific for Stockholm APP and one for Göteborg APP. Please remove the old ESAA_TMC.asr. For ESMS_APP use ESAA_ACC.asr. For any other APP or TWR use ESAA_TWR_APP.asr
  • Change to definition of some lines. White dotted lines apart from indicating Control zones also indicate ACC sectors below FL95 that is bordering uncontrolled airspace. A solid white line indicates a border with controlled airspace on both sides. This only applies to ACC sectors and not Approach sectos.
  • The graphical representation at the border of ESMM and ENOR (delegated airspace Örje, Bohus and Koster) has been updated to make the AoR more clear.
  • EKCH CTR updated.
  • XFL for DEP ESNQ now FL90
  • Flight Information Service border below Köpenhamn TMA added to MAPS ARTCC LOW
  • Added ESOS/ESMM/ESGG ACC/APP Frequency to MAPS
  • Köpenhamn APP frequency in MAPS updated to 8.33
  • ESNZ RNP AR 12 joining point updated.
  • ESOE MVA Sector corrected
  • Obstacles 850ft+ height within 10 NM from controlled airspace added.
  • Revised auto activation of DCTs to E and S from OS ACC, including zoom filter
  • 3 NM SEP AREA removed
  • All COPX between sectors with vertical split 365 removed as they create wrong PEL/XFL. Pointless COP 2/3, 6/7 and 8/9 is still in the system.
  • Ground layouts for ESNJ and EMSV added. ESOW updated (APN 3 closed, Airways flight school removed)
  • ESOE VRP KUMLA changed to KUMLAN
  • MIL STD Departures added for ESCM, ESDF, ESPA, selectable in SID
  • Stand assignment for F28 at ESSB should now work better.
  • Added .833 to text alias with information on how to manually tune frequencies. (use .833)
Files updated


  • (.sct, .ese, .prf, and files in ICAO- and NavData folders always updated.)
  • ESMV GND.asr
  • ESNJ GND.asr
  • GRpluginMaps.txt
  • GRpluginStands.txt
  • LoginProfiles.txt
  • TopSkyMaps.txt
  • TopSkyAirspace.txt
  • ESAA_ACC.asr
  • ESOW GND.asr
  • ESAA_TMC.asr (Replaced by APP-ASRs)

AIRAC 2311

AIRAC changes

  • New D-area D190 Kattegatt
  • TopSkyAreas: Added from AIP SUP R833,834,835,839,840, R317,318,319,803,804,970

Non AIRAC changes

  • Multiple 8,33 kHz frequency updated
  • New Release Lines to EDWW/EDUU
  • Updated DCT points to EDWW/EDUU/ENOR
  • ESSB departures revised, new "SID/HDG" see LPM.
  • ESSA config 5 changed. All DEP to ARS, PETEV, NOSLI and TRS is cleared via KOGAV SID.
  • Maestro plugin (1.1b6) updated
  • GRPluginMaps: File reworked, showing only data for active airport. Wingspan/Heavy restrictions added at ESSA/GG
  • Added VATCAN (hidden) and AMAN data fields to TML 1 and 2
  • TopSkyMaps: RNP APP displaying filled fix and name at last fix to join RNP APP
Files updated
  • (.sct, .ese, .prf, Files in ICAO- and NavData always updated.)
  • GRpluginMaps.txt
  • TopSkyAreas.txt
  • LoginProfiles.txt
  • Plugin.txt

AIRAC 2310

AIRAC changes

  • NIL

Non AIRAC changes

  • CTR Coordinates corrected/updated for, ESNU, ESCM, ESGT, ESDF
  • TopSkyMaps missing TMA Altitude for ESNZ added
  • TopSkyMaps MVA added
  • Maestro plugin, settings and manuals updated (1.1b5)
  • GRPMaps ESSB Y3 WIP Removed
  • Precision (PAR) Positions added
  • CDM plugin updated to latest version

AIRAC 2309

AIRAC changes

  • NIL

Non AIRAC changes

  • Basic ATS-routes updated.
  • 3 nm separation line removed as 3 nm radar separation applies below FL 195 in the whole FIR now.
  • PCA sectors (Military exercise areas) updated.
  • GRplugin Maps, new WIP areas added at ESGG and ESSA.
  • VCCS panel updated.
  • 8.33 kHz frequencies added for EDUU.

AIRAC 2308

AIRAC changes

  • R-area R122 Muskö added.
  • Some R-areas with radiuses has been updated.
  • AMA (MSAW) updated.
  • New initial climb altitude for ESGG SID to MISVI and SOJWI. New altitude is 4000 ft. Only valid for those two SIDs, the other turboprop SIDs has 5000 ft.
  • New IAP for ESCF.

Non AIRAC changes

  • Maestro plugin updated. New settings file. Stable state is now at 12 min to not catch aircraft in climb.
  • Data link clearance (DCL) format updated to align with real world.
  • The data for Holding Point, Taxiway, Stand and Apron moved from GRplugin Maps file to sector file.
  • ESSA and ESGG ASR, removed graphical draw directly from ASR. All graphical elements now drawn from GRplugin with sector file as reference.
  • GRplugin Functions menu -> Maps, resorted. All aerodrome specific items now found under respective aerodrome while WIP moved to a seperate item. 2nd window now controlled from the same menu item.
  • New Alias shortcut for aircraft making wrong turns with link to taxiway map added, ".wt".

AIRAC 2307 V3

AIRAC changes

Non AIRAC changes

  • ESSB WIP area updated
  • ESPA WIP area added
  • Stand assignment now works correctly for aircraft not approved IRL, eg. F28.

AIRAC 2307

AIRAC changes

  • ESOE TMA extended and IAP updated.
  • Restricted area R210 new.

Non AIRAC changes

  • CPDLC setting changed, now only transfer is default.
  • ESE FLEG runway 01R ESSA updated to remove old waypoint.
  • New behaviour when resizing windows.
  • TWR frequencies can now be selected to be displayed via the Maps menu.
  • CDM mode changed to “event mode”. TSAT will not be assigned automatically from EOBT, once a TOBT is entered then a TSAT will be calculated. This will prevent nuisance TSAT.
  • Release line ESJAH new. More info will come with the new LOP.
  • RNAV SID now default at ESOK.
  • ESPA stand stands updated.
  • ESGG Ground network updated with new stands.
  • ESSB WIP Y3 added.
  • ESSA strand assignment updated to allow less common aircraft types to be assigned to the terminal.
  • SSR updated.
  • CPH_I/E_ APP added. Same as EKDK B/D. New frequencies are not shown automatically yet. Use SI frequency.
  • Almost all remaining ground layouts are now completed

AIRAC 2305

AIRAC changes

  • New significant points: HUMBE, NAFFI, ODHAF. (In the area of Luleå and Pajala)
  • Multiple new, removed and updated R/D-areas.
  • New RNP SIDs for ESOK.

Non AIRAC changes

  • XFL XILAN for ESSB arrivals changed to FL100.
  • ESSA_DEP renamed ESSA_W_DEP with new SI DW. Multiple COP updated to reflect this.
  • For EDDB arrivals, KETAP and OGBER added as optional DCT selectable from MAPS -> LOA ESMM submenu.
  • General Setting, "Use ISECT.TXT for scratch pad" activated to allow for DCT to point not in SCT-file.
  • VCCSSettings updated.
  • TopSkySSRcodes updated.
  • Symbols setting file updated. (Thanks to Max), Ground layout completely reworked for:
    • ESCM
    • ESDF
    • ESGT
    • ESKN
    • ESKS
    • ESMQ
    • ESMS
    • ESMT
    • ESMX
    • ESNO
    • ESNQ
    • ESNU
    • ESNZ
    • ESOE
    • ESOW
    • ESPA
    • ESSB
    • ESSU
    • ESSV
    • ESTA

AIRAC 2304

AIRAC changes

  • Restricted area R117 Nynäshamn new and some small changes to other R/D-areas.
  • Instrument procedures updated at ESMT.
  • Northern part of ATS-route T31 renamed T81.

Non AIRAC changes

  • CDM plug-in updated.
  • New tick box added in the CDM list to keep track of what TSAT is communicated to pilot. Some other updated functionality.
  • Manuals for the Swedish setup and CDM plugin has been updated.
  • All stands now available at ESGG, ground layout updated accordingly.
  • ESSB ground layout completely revised.
  • Ground Network added at ESSB.
  • 2nd Window in the GR-plugin now works for ESSA and ESGG. Thx Max.
  • BAW and FIN(short haul) together with some other airline moved from terminal 5 to terminal 2 at ESSA.
  • New colour (white) for R/D-areas that where ATC can not give permission to enter. E.g. national parks, prisons, nuclear power plants e.t.c.
  • SID NEGIL2G from ESGG now have XFL 90 from GW to GE.
  • Missing XFL from ESMM 8 to ESMM L for traffic to airports in northern Germany hopefully fixed.
  • Missing line in INT borders fixed.
  • Missing RNP-procedure at ESKM added.

AIRAC 2302

AIRAC changes

  • NIL

Non AIRAC changes

  • ESOS 3 now covers all of ESOS AoR when ESOS 1 is offline. With both online the normal division of sectors apply. If someone is online as ESOS 3, consider opening ESMM 2 instead of ESOS 1, this will result in the same division as ESOS 1 together with ESMM 2. This is a test to see if the workload can be managed better when alone as ACC.
  • EFIN C now wovers more sectors when no other EFIN is online.
  • Frequencies displayed updated for EDWW/EDUU, EPWW, EFIN and EKCH APP.
  • SSR-code assignment updated with better handling of APL, VFR FP, local codes and specific callsigns for ambulance helicopters.
  • Stand assignment at ESSB updated.
  • Added Holding Points and taxiway closed markings to ESSB ground layout.
  • SIM-ONLY ASR for ESSB added.
  • Added missing line in area Örje.
  • Updated XFL handling inbound ESSB.

AIRAC 2301

AIRC changes

  • NIL

Non AIRAC changes

  • A-CDM plugin updated.
  • New manual: "Swedish tower setup and CDM plugin".
  • Updated manual: "Swedish Setup for EuroScope"
  • TWR / TWR A-CDM lists reworked.
  • Added an Alternate Ownership for DEL-positions to have traffic show correctly in the lists. Only to be used by DEL. Drawback is that the sector sequence for the next GND position will not work, alas it did not work perfectly before either.
  • Simulator ground network added at ESGG. All taxiways are now predefined for easier management of simulated ground traffic.
  • SIM-ASR fixed, now actually working.
  • Colours for ESGG Ground Radar view corrected to match real system.
  • Added 90 m markers for TWY C, D and E in ESGG Ground Radar view. Holding points for the same TWY changed to red.
  • ESSA Stand F33L renamed F33. Stand F33R removed.
  • Correct SID now assigned at ESMS. (K-SID)
  • Issue with XFL to EPGD via PENOR fixed.
  • Issue with COPX/XFL when close to ESJAH fixed.
  • APL squawk code range hopefully fixed, should be 5701 to 5777.
  • Restricted areas at national parks are now shown in white.
  • Colour for restricted areas adjusted.
  • Restricted areas along the national border is realigned

For older changes to the sector file, see this forum thread