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Revision Highlights

This page summarises operationally relevant changes to material/procedures for ATS in Sweden FIR.

For an unfiltered technical changelog, see GNG Package Changelog or vATIS

AIRAC 2405

TopSky v2.5 beta 8


This post highlights the most important changes to the Swedish GNG package, now using TopSky v2.5 beta 8.

For an exhaustive list of changes, refer to TopSky plugin for EuroScope - Version History.pdf included in the GNG package.

For a technical manual, refer to TopSky plugin for EuroScope - General - B.pdf included in the GNG package (relevant paragraph referenced below where applicable).

SSR Code Generation

Generating a new SSR Code is now done using the Get SSR button in the SSR Code menu (see 6.10)

  • The previous method pressing Ok where no code has been assigned is no longer possible, that button is greyed out.

Waypoint menu

Waypoint menu revised, left click on COPN/COPX or NPT to open (see 6.3).
"Pink Values" (SYSCO/System Coordination) are no longer sent automatically

  • To manually send Pink Values where necessary, use Probe in the Waypoint menu (this also activates a FLEG to probe the effect of the possible route change), then use left click to send a SYSCO. Probe mode can also be activated by right clicking any waypoint in the TopSky Waypoint menu.
  • Right clicking a waypoint in the old Euroscope Waypoint menu still works for assigning direct-to clearances without sending Pink Values.


Track Labels

For a complete description of the TopSky track labels, flight lists and its functions, see TopSky | Wiki.

Monitoring Aids (see 11.) are now shown differently

  • CLAM (Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring): Yellow L shown in row 0.
  • RAM (Route Adherence Monitoring): Circle shown surrounding the RPS (Radar position symbol).
  • DUPE (Duplicated squawk): Tellow D shown in row 0.

Other Functions/Data Fields.

  • Right click on COPN/COPX to toggle Route draw (FLEG) with MTCD.
  • Right click on AFL/XFL toggles AFL/XFL level band highlight (see
  • Left click on GS or (MTCD indicator) invokes SEP tool (see 5.3.3).
  • Left click on or (vertical trend indication) invokes SEP tool with VSEP (see 5.3.3).
  • DIAS and DMACH ("downlinked" IAS/MACH estimated using upper winds) is now available, shown in row 4 beside DHDG/DRC.

Keybord Shortcuts (ALT+)

  • A: Toggles Basic ATS-Routes map.

  • V: Toggles VFR Points map.

  • F: Toggles TWR/APP Frequencies map.

  • T: Toggles TMA Altitudes map.

  • M: Toggles MVA/AMA map.

  • F1: Opens new Notepad window.

    • GeForce Experience/GeForce uses the same keybind to take screenshots. If experiencing problems, disable the overlay or change the keybind as shown here.
  • F2: Invoke SEP tool (see 5.3.3).

  • F3: Invoke QDM vector (see 5.3.1).

  • F4: Toggles quick look (see 5.3.8).

  • F5: Toggles all prediction lines on/off.

  • F6: Opens runway approach line window (see 7.37).

  • F7: Opens FPL selection window (see 7.7).

  • F8: Opens SSR code menu for the find track function (see 5.3.10 and 6.10).

  • F9: Opens create APL window (see 7.10).

  • F10: Toggles filtering of uncoupled labels (see

  • F11: Opens small QNH/TL window (see 7.27).

  • F12: Opens track control window (see 5.3.5).

Airspace Management window

For exhaustive information about the ASM window see 7.5

Activation data of R/D-Areas (incl temporary from AIP SUP) are loaded automatically when signing in to an ATC position (it can also be done manually by pressing AUP in the ASM window).
This data is loaded from LFVs AUP (Thank you very much Felix!)

To toggle AUP activation data, press AUP in the bottom left corner of the ASM window.

  • AUP shown in yellow: Activation data is loading/did not load successfully.
  • AUP shown in white: Activation data is loaded and in use.
  • AUP greyed out: Activation data is deselected.

Areas marked with FLYG contains aircraft activities (IRL), this indicates that an increased lateral separation must be applied to the area (see GOP).

Area activations are now automatically synced between Euroscope instances.

Moving SEP/QDM Labels

QDM Vector/SEP tool labels can be moved by middle mouse button clicking on the:

  • QDM vector label.
  • Tip of a SEP tool line.

Multi-QDM Vector

For exhaustive information about QDM vectors see 5.3.1

QDM vectors drawn from a fixed point to several tracks (aircraft) creates a Multi-QDM group, (see 5.3.2)

When hovering over a track label of one of the tracks in a group, a relative distance indication is shown in all other vectors in the same multi-QDM group.

Left click on any QDM vector (connected to a track) in a group to continue drawing within that group.


Other changes.

  • TSA Hold (For suspending APW/SAP for activities in TSA) now called Suspend (see 6.1.8), available in the Hold menu, accessible through the Callsign menu (6.1) or Waypoint menu (6.3).

  • The old QNH/TL Window has been replaced by two windows:

    • Airfield Data window, showing QNH/TL and more data for several airports (see 7.23).

      • Using this and deactivating all fields in View is the closest thing you can get to the old QNH/TL Window.
    • Small QNH/TL window, showing QNH/TL for only one airport (see 7.27).

  • Upper Winds window (7.22) displays upper winds and temperatures at a specified coordinate/position.

    • This window is automatically opened when signing in to an ATC position to show DIAS/DMACH. After loading, this window may be closed.
  • Now showing reported instead of calculated ground speed (to get a less "jumpy" and more reliable GS)

  • STCA alert sound activated (Only triggered on assumed aircraft)

  • Shortcut window added (see 7.17).

  • The ETO field in TMLs (Traffic Management List 1 & 2) displays:

    • ETA over airport when list not filtered on point
    • ETO over point specified in filter (see 8.8).
  • Show hidden (by CJI filter etc) labels by middle mouse button click RPS (radar position symbol).

  • Enter "present heading" in AHDG by right click, shown as an H without numbers.

  • OP-TEXT and OP-TEXT2 is editable also by downstream controller (Green/coordinated labels). This requires both parts to use v2.5b8.



  • There are no major changes from the previous version, except that the new version has some guidance on how to separate traffic at ESNQ where the high MVA means that vectoring for approach is not possible.
  • Also, RNP STAR is now considered standard procedure, so traffic unable RNP or requesting conventional STAR should be coordinated.

AIRAC 2403

  • Arlanda SID from RWY 19R to BABAP and TOVRI has been revised. Due to the unpredictability of using an altitude (2500 ft) as initiation of left turn the new SID is instead based on waypoints. This will give controlles a more predictable trajectory for east-bound departures. The waypoint where the the left turn begins still has an altitude restriction of 2500 ft to allow for independent approaches to RWY 19L. In the SID description there is a note stating that aircrafts unable to reach 2500 ft before commencing left turn shall "continue on track 178° and inform ATC". We can probably not expect VATSIM-pilots to comply with this, however the separation to missed approaches on RWY19L is worth monitoring even though it should be procedurally separated. Speed restriction can be lifted by APP once the aircraft passes SA554 (the southern tip of the turn). A Minimum Departure Interval (MDI) of 120 seconds is until further valid for east-bound departures to protect sector E.

  • To facilitate a more seamless transfer of traffic between ESMM ACC and ESSA/SB APP when ESOS sector 2/6/7 is not covered, some changes has been made to the sector sequence. Relevant ESMM ACC positions now act as a guest in the ESOS 6 sector closes to XILAN and a low priority owner of some ESOS 2/7 sectors in the area of PETEV, NOSLI, TRS and NILUG. This will generate a correct sector sequence allowing ESMM ACC and ESSA/SB APP to transfer traffic between them more easily. Due to limitations in EuroScope there are some restriction on how this works.

    • For traffic departing via PETEV, NOSLI and TRS:
      • APP shall climb traffic to correct XFL for relevant TMA exit point.
      • All traffic will have ESMM as next sector regardless if traffic will climb above FL 285 or not. APP need to check RFL and if below FL 285 that traffic shall be sent to UNICOM.
      • ESMM will have all departures as coordinated regardless of RFL until traffic passes about 10 nm south of TMA-exitpoint.
    • For traffic departing via BABAP and ALOLA:
      • No change to sector sequence. If RFL above 285, APP can manually transfer traffic to ESMM.
    • For traffic arriving via XILAN, TRS and NILUG:
      • ESMM shall descend traffic to correct XFL for relevant TMA entry point.
      • Only once traffic descends below ESMM airspace will the sector sequence show correctly.
      • For arrivals via XILAN if ESOS is online: a late transfer to ESOS once the traffic has already entered ESOS airspace will result in the wrong sector sequence. It will show APP as the next sector even though traffic shall be transferred to ESOS.
    • For traffic crossing in the area of PETEV, NOSLI, TRS and NILUG:
      • Traffic below ESMM airspace might show as coordinated for ESMM ACC even though traffic is below FL 285. This traffic can be ignored.
  • The C-flag at row 0 in the label that indicates that inbound clearance shall be issued has been overhauled. Now they are more filtered to reduce the number of spurious C-flags. E.g. ESMM ACC will not have C-flags for traffic that ESOS ACC is responsible for issuing inbound clearance for. Also, now C-flags only shows for controlled airports as no inbound clearance is issued for uncontrolled airports like AFIS.

  • CPDLC address for GG/SA/SB APP has been added since approach now can use CPDLC in real life. There is a limitation in TopSky, when you log on with an airport in the position name, that airport will be prefilled in the CPDLC sign in window. To get correct functionality change to a correct CPDLC address.

    • ESGG_E_APP -> ESGE
    • ESGG_W_APP -> ESGW
    • ESSA_E_APP -> ESSE
    • ESSA_W_APP -> ESSW
    • ESSB_APP -> ESSS
  • The CARD (Conflict And Risk Display) is now automatically displayed in the primary ES-instance for any ACC position. As it is mandatory to display CARD in real life and I urge you to use it to. It will help you discover conflicts up to 20 minutes ahead of time.

  • The CPDLC login window is now also automatically displayed for positions that can use it. This is to promote the use of data link functionality. If your Hoppie code has expired please request a new one and put it in the TopSkyCPDLChoppieCode.txt in the plugin folder to have it automatically preset.