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Swedish setup for EuroScope

1. Track labels

The following descriptions show the positions of the data fields in the different labels of the default sets that are provided with the plugin and the available mouse click areas on them. The contents, any special coloring rules and the color definitions themselves for the data fields are explained in the General part of the manual set. Note that an uncorrelated primary radar track will not show a label at all.

Data fields in italic can be selected globally on/off via the Track Control Window, or for some of them, for individual tracks via the selected or Extended track label. In case of the CFL/PEL field, only the PEL display can be selected off. For the COPN/COPX field, only the COPX display can be selected off. Data fields in parentheses are blank (instead of displaying the field name) when there is no data

1.1 Uncorrelated label

1.1.1 Unselected track

AFL (a) GS

1.1.2 Selected track

AFL (a) GS