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Keyboard Shortcuts


  • A: Toggles Basic ATS-Routes map.
  • V: Toggles VFR Points map.
  • B: Toggles VFR Points + Labels map
  • F: Toggles TWR/APP Frequencies map.
  • T: Toggles TMA Altitudes map.
  • M: Toggles MVA/AMA map.
  • F1: Opens new Notepad window.
  • F2: Invoke SEP tool.
  • F3: Invoke QDM vector.
  • F4: Toggles quick look.
  • F5: Toggles all prediction lines on/off.
  • F6: Opens runway approach line window.
  • F7: Opens FPL selection window.
  • F8: Opens SSR code menu for the find track function.
  • F9: Opens create APL window.
  • F10: Toggles filtering of uncoupled labels.
  • F11: Opens small QNH/TL window.
  • F12: Opens track control window.

The default setup is using the F-keys to access different functions. GeForce Experience/GeForce uses may experience problems with clashing key bindings. Either change the key binding for GeForce or add the following settings to your "TopSkySettingsLocal.txt" file. This will use the normal 1,2,3...8,9,0,+,´-keys instead.



Track Labels

Data fields in "Normal Text", can be selected globally on/off via the Track Control Window, or for some of them, for individual tracks via the selected or Extended track label.
Data fields in Bold Text, is always shown.
Data fields in (Parentheses), are blank (instead of displaying the field name) when there is no data.

In case of the CFL/PEL field, only the PEL display can be selected off. For the COPN/COPX field, only the COPX display can be selected off.

The Selected Label is shown when the cursor is hovering over a label, otherwise the Unselected Label is shown.

Uncorrelated label

Track label not correlated with a flight plan.

Unselected track

AFL (a) GS

Selected track

AFL (a) GS

Reduced label

Track label correlated with a flight plan. The Reduced label is shown for uncontrolled, unconcerned and notified tracks.

Unselected track


Selected track

(OP_TEXT) [max 2 lines of text]

Standard label

Track label correlated with a flight plan. The Standard label is shown for Coordinated, Assumed, Redundant and Informed tracks.

Unselected track


Selected track

(OP_TEXT) [max 2 lines of text]

Extended label

Extended track label correlated with a flight plan. The Extended label can be toggled by right click on Callsign for any track label except Uncorrelated tracks.

FIELD15 [max 9 lines of text]
(FIELD18) [max 6 lines of text]

Mouse functions in track labels

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
Set from Callsign menu
Set from Callsign menu
+ Field 18 / FMF indicator Open extended label
* Unit Toggle Units
A Manual alerts Open extended label
a Vertical Trend Indication Invoke SEP tool with VSEP
ADEP Departure aerodrome For debugging only: Toggle route prediction points draw
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Toggle ADES display
AFL Actual Flight Level Toggle AFL highlight Toggle Level Band Highlight (AFL)
AHDG Assigned heading Open AHDG menu Clear AHDG value / ACK, RJC or FAIL coord
ALRT Alert message in priority order:
“D” (DUPE)
Acknowledge AIW alert
ALT1/2 Open FPL Window
ARC Assigned vertical rate Open ARC menu Clear ARC value / ACK, RJC or FAIL coord
ASP Assigned speed Open ASP menu Clear ASP value / ACK, RJC or FAIL coord
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu Send CPDLC Squawk SSR
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight Toggle ATYP display
C Inbound clearance Toggle Inbound clearance flag
CALLSIGN Callsign Open Callsign menu Open Extended label
CFL / PEL Cleared Flight Level or
Planned Entry Level
Open CFL/PEL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
CODE FPL mode S hex code
COM Communication type Open communication type popup
COORD Coordination message

ROF message sent / received:

Transfer with release:
“F” fully released
“C” released for climb
“D” released for descent
“T” released for turns
Open Tactical transfer menu Open Tactical Info Window
COPN / COPX Entry point or Exit point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
CPDLC_E CPDLC Emergency messages:
Open CPDLC Emergency Acknowledgment menu
CPDLC_W CPDLC Warning CPDLC Warning functions Open CPDLC Current Message Window
DGS Downloaded ground speed Toggle DGS display
DHDG Downloaded heading Toggle DHDG display
DIAS Downloaded indicated airspeed
Only estimated value if upper wind/temp data available.
Toggle DIAS display
DMACH Downloaded Mach number
Only estimated value if upper wind/temp data available.
Toggle DIAS display
DRC Downloaded rate of climb/descent Toggle DRC display
DSFL Downloaded Selected Flight Level
Not available
Toggle DSFL display
EET Estimated Elapsed Time Open FPL Window
EMRG Emergency:
“HI” for squawk 7500
“CF” for squawk 7600
“EM” for squawk 7700
EOBT / ATD Estimated Off Block Time / Actual Time of Departure Open FPL Window
F No fix warning
If IFR flight is not routing via one of specified fixes to its destination
Toggle No Fix flag
FF Feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
FIELD15 TAS, RFL and Route
FIELD18 Other information
FLTADD Mode S transponder address
FLTID Aircraft identification
FMF Flight Message Field
No information shown
GS Ground Speed Invoke SEP tool Toggle GS display
I Flight information
If OP_TEXT has data
Open extended label
M Military coordination Toggle Military Coordination flag Toggle Route draw with SAP
MALRT Manual alerts
Entered via Callsign menu:
MTCD MTCD indicator
“•” if aircraft has an MTCD conflict
Invoke SEP tool Toggle Route draw with MTCD
NPT Next route point Open Waypoint menu Open CPDLC Current Message Window
NRAC Number of aircraft
Number can be set by prefixing the aircraft type in the FPL by “X/” where X is the number.
NSSR SSR warning
Displays ASSR if different from TSSR
Open ASSR menu Send CPDLC Squawk SSR
OP_TEXT Flight information message Edit OP_TEXT
OP_TEXT2 OP-TEXT2 message Edit OP_TEXT2
P No P-RNAV/RNAV1 capability
PSSR Previous mode A code
R No B-RNAV/RNAV5 capability
RFL Requested Flight Level Open RFL menu Open CPDLC Current Message Window
S Mode S mismatch indicator
SI Sector Indicator Assume / Transfer Toggle SI frequency
SQ Arrival sequence number
(provided by AMAN)
STAFF Scheduled Time of Arrival at feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
SECTOR STATE Current system state
Notified: NOTI
Coordinated: COOR
On-going coordination: ONGC
Assumed: ASSU
Transfer initiated: TRAN
Redundant: REDU
Terminated: TERM
Free: FREE
On-contact: ONCT
TEXT2 OP-TEXT2 message Edit OP_TEXT2 Open extended label
TSSR Aircraft transmitted mode A code
TTL_TTG Time To Lose/Gain at feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
V/Y/Z Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
W No RVSM capability
WTC Wake turbulence category Toggle WTC highlight
XFL Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu Toggle Level Band Highlight (XFL)
Y No 8.33kHz capability

Flight Lists

List fields in bold text e.g. "C/S", are shown by default.
List fields in normal text e.g. "EVT", is not shown by default but can be selected in the list top bar by pressing "F".
List fields in parentheses e.g. "(ETN)", indicate the default sorting for that list.

Sector List

The Sector List contains all Departed controlled flights (all IFR, VFR only if assumed) in the Coordinated (from -15 min to ETO) and Assumed state.

Selected and configured from TopSky Tools menu.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
EVT Event indicator
C/S CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
(ETN) Estimated Time Over sector entry
PEL Planned Entry Level Open PEL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPN Entry Coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
No Number of aircraft.
Number can be set by prefixing the
aircraft type in the FPL by “X/” where X is the number.
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
W Wake turbulence category Toggle WTC highlight
R Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
CFL Cleared Flight Level Open CFL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
ASP Assigned speed Open ASP menu Clear ASP value / ACK, RJC or FAIL coord
XFL Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
RFL Requested Flight Level Open RFL menu Open CPDLC Current Message Window
PSSR Previous mode A code Find PSSR
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu Send CPDLC Squawk SSR
ADEP Departure aerodrome
SID Assigned SID Open SID menu Acknowledge SID Allocation
DRWY Departure Runway
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Open ES flight plan dialog
FF Feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
STA Scheduled Time of Arrival at feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
TTLTTG Time To Lose/Gain at feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Simulation popup
Not shown Manual Coordination flag Accept Manual coordination
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
STAR Assigned STAR Open STAR menu Acknowledge STAR Allocation
ARWY Arrival Runway Open RWY menu
Not shown Cleared to land Flag
Shown within 12 NM from ADES.
Red until toggled green.
Toggle CTL flag
STD Arrival Stand Open Stand menu
OP_TEXT Flight information message Edit OP_TEXT
C Check Indicator Toggle Check Indicator

Departure List

The Departure List contains all Non-departed flight (IFR and VFR) from active airports.

Selected from EuroScope Quick SET.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
EVT Event indicator
C/S CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
No Number of aircraft.
Number can be set by prefixing the
aircraft type in the FPL by “X/” where X is the number.
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
W Wake turbulence category Toggle WTC highlight
R Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
TIME EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time) Open Time menu (EOBT)
CTOT CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time) Open TimeCTOT Option menu (CTOT) ResetGet CTOTFlow toMessage EOBTas Text
CFL Cleared Flight Level Open CFL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
XFL Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
ADEP Departure aerodrome
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Open ES flight plan dialog
RFL Requested Flight Level Open RFL menu
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu
AHDG Assigned heading Open AHDG menu Clear AHDG value / ACK, RJC or FAIL coord
SID Assigned SID Open SID menu Acknowledge SID Allocation
DRWY Departure Runway Open RWY menu
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Simulation popup
Not shown Manual Coordination flag Accept Manual coordination
DEP Departure Coordination. Toggle between:
Estimate (EST)
Depart (DEP)
Abort (ABT)
CLR Combined clearance received flag,
DCL dialogue status and CMT (Comment) indicator
Open PDC/DCL Window Open CMT Pop-up
STD Departure Stand Open Stand menu
(STS) Ground Status Open Ground State menu
PR Pending Request Open Request Menu
OP_TEXT2 OP-TEXT2 message Edit OP_TEXT2

Load List

The Load List contains all Departed controlled flight (all IFR, VFR only if assumed) in the Notified state (from -60 to -16 min from ETO) and all Non-departed controlled flights in the Notified state (from -15 min to ETO).

Selected from TopSky Tools menu.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
C/S CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
No Number of aircraft
Number can be set by prefixing the
aircraft type in the FPL by “X/” where X is the number.
R Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
(ETN) Estimated Time Over sector entry
PEL Planned Entry Level Open PEL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPN Entry coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
ADEP Departure aerodrome
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Open ES flight plan dialog
PSSR Previous mode A code Find PSSR
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu
STS Ground Status
C Check Indicator Toggle Check Indicator

Uncontrolled List 1 & 2

The Uncontrolled List contains all Uncontrolled flights (VFR not in assumed state) within or close to Sweden.

Selected and configured from TopSky Tools menu.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
(C/S) CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu
No Number of aircraft
Number can be set by prefixing the
aircraft type in the FPL by “X/” where X is the number.
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
ADEP Departure aerodrome
EOBT EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time) Open Time menu (EOBT)
ATD ATD (Actual Time of Departure) Open Time menu (ATD) Reset ATD to EOBT
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Open ES flight plan dialog
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
FCOPN FIR Entry coordination point Toggle Route draw with MTCD
PEL Planned Entry Level Open PEL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
FETN Estimated Time Over FIR Entry
FCOPX FIR Exit coordination point Toggle Route draw with MTCD
LFUNC Logical Function (SI) Open next controller popup list Simulation popup
OP_TEXT Flight information message Edit OP_TEXT
C Check Indicator Toggle Check Indicator

Traffic Management List 1 & 2

The Traffic Management List (TML) contains all Departed flights in the Notified, Coordinated, Assumed and Redundant state with a specific destination and/or routing via specified points. The ETO over the point (or ETA if no point specified) must be within the next 45 minutes. The destination must be specified to include uncontrolled flights in the list.

Selected and configured from TopSky Tools menu.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
EVT Event indicator
COPN Entry Coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Simulation popup
C/S CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu Send CPDLC Squawk SSR
AFL Actual Flight Level Open AFL menu
CFL Cleared Flight Level Open CFL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
RFL Requested Flight Level Open RFL menu
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
FF Feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
STA Scheduled Time of Arrival at feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
TTLTTG Time To Lose/Gain at feeder fix
(provided by AMAN)
(ETO) Estimated Time Over TML waypoint if selected or ETA
STAR Assigned STAR Open STAR menu Acknowledge STAR Allocation
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
FText Free Text Edit FText
C Check Indicator Toggle Check Indicator
HOLD Hold indicator Toggle TML HOLD/XHOLD

Sector Inbound List

The Sector Inbound List (SIL) contains all Departed controlled flight (all IFR, VFR only if assumed) in the Notified (no time limit) and Coordinated state. Intended to be used on additional EuroScope instance to show inbound traffic, only shows 4 rows by default.

Selected from EuroScope Quick SET.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
C/S CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
PSSR Previous mode A code Find PSSR
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu
(ETN) Estimated Time Over sector entry
PEL Planned Entry Level Open PEL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPN Entry Coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
R Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
XFL Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
RFL Requested Flight Level Open RFL menu
ADEP Departure aerodrome
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Open ES flight plan dialog
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Simulation popup
Not shown Manual Coordination flag Accept Manual coordination
C Check Indicator Toggle Check Indicator


The ETWR List (Departure SIL) contains all Controlled flight (all IFR, VFR only if assumed) in the Notified and Coordinated state departing from a specific airport.

Selected and configured from TopSky Tools menu.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
C/S CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
PSSR Previous mode A code Find PSSR
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu
(ETN) Estimated Time Over sector entry
PEL Planned Entry Level Open PEL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPN Entry Coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
R Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
XFL Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu Open Vertical Aid Window
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
RFL Requested Flight Level Open RFL menu
ADEP Departure aerodrome
SID Assigned SID Open SID menu Acknowledge SID Allocation
DRWY Departure Runway Open RWY menu
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Open ES flight plan dialog
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Simulation popup
Not shown Manual Coordination flag Accept Manual coordination
STS Ground Status
C Check Indicator Toggle Check Indicator

Flight Plan List

The Flight Plan List contains all Flight plans on the network. By default the list is filtered to show only flight plans in the Notified, Coordinated and Assumed state. To show all flight plans, click "N" in the top bar.

Selected from EuroScope Quick SET.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
(C/S) CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
ADEP Departure aerodrome
ADES Destination aerodrome Open FPL Window Open ES flight plan dialog
ASSR Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Simulation popup
STS Ground Status
STATE Flight Plan State
NOTST (Not Started)
SIMUL (Simulated)
TERM (Terminated)
Open Flight Plan State menu

Resectorisation List

The Resectorisation List contains all flights Assumed and On-Contact with a specific FLUNC (controller ID). Can be used at controller shift change to show all flights under the control of the other controller.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
(C/S) CALLSIGN Open Callsign menu
SI Sector Indicator Assume Simulation popup
CFL Cleared Flight Level Open Vertical Aid Window
COPX Exit coordination point Toggle Route draw with MTCD
ASSR Assigned mode A code
CLR Combined clearance received flag,
DCL dialogue status and CMT (Comment) indicator
STS Ground Status
C Check Indicator Toggle Check Indicator