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Since ES v3.2.2 it is possible to have up to 4 simultaneous ATIS-connections, however in Sweden we use vATIS. vATIS offers the same number of ATIS-connections, but also easier addition of RWYCC (Runway condition codes) and NOTAMs as free text.

To use vATIS you need to download the software itself, and import a profile, both of which are linked below.

Note: Whenever a new update is released for the vATIS profile, you have to re-import it into vATIS, just replacing the .json with a newer one is NOT enough.

vATIS can be downloaded here.

vATIS Profile - ESAA (Last updated 2023-11-30)

Documentation and more information available on the vATIS website. shows AWOS/ATIS for many airports in Sweden.

ATIS formatting

We use vATIS to simulate as closely as possible both voice ATIS and D-ATIS (datalink ATIS in text format). Therefore it is important to use the correct text format to ensure that both the ATIS text looks reasonable, using plain language or common abbrevations (contractions in vATIS terminology), and that audio output is sensible.

Always check that the ATIS output is reasonable, especially when using free text in the ARPT COND or NOTAMS fields. vATIS may not recognise certain abbreviations. If this is the case use plain language instead. ATIS output can be checked by selecting "Get ATIS" for the relevant ATIS in the ES controller list. Audio output can be checked by adding the relevant ATIS and listening to its frequency in AFV.


When LVP is in force it can be added to the ARPT COND window with LVP as free text, or activated by clicking on the APT COND text above the text field, and selecting LVP in the list.

Adding free text:
  • SCCs (surface condition codes) can be added as free text to the ARPT COND window. In the real life AWOS, the text is manually entered as free text, which means there are some variations to the formatting and abbrevations used. For the text to work correctly in vATIS, you may need to edit certain phrases or formatting. Examples:
    • Generic format, as used by most ATIS where a single runway is in use: SURFACE CONDITION CODE 3 3 3. DOWNGRADED. ISSUED AT 1944 RWY 100 PCT 3 MM WET SNOW. TWY AND APRON POOR
    • The format used by ESSA AWOS (see below): RWY 01L SCC 5 5 5. ISSUED AT 1800. RWY 100 PCT WET. CHEMICALLY TREATED. Note that the contraction SCC is recognised by vATIS only at ESSA. For other ATIS, use plain text.
  • NOTAMs can be added as free text to the NOTAMS window:
  • vATIS interprets certain phrases and abbrevations differently depending on context.
    • Y3 will be read out as "why three" whereas TWY Y3 will be read out as "taxiway Yankee three".
    • Runway designators will only be interpreted correctly if preceded by RWY, i.e. write RWY 01L instead of just 01L.
    • When a contamination depth is included, make sure there is a space before MM (i.e. make sure it says "3 MM", not "3MM").
    • Use punctuation as needed where a pause is desired in the spoken output.

When adding or pasting free text to the ARPT COND or NOTAMS fields, take care to remove colon symbols ( : ) or double spaces ( ) where included, as the remaining text after will be ignored if the symbol/double space is not removed.

Note: Text added in the ARPT COND and NOTAMS fields is saved by clicking the save icon that appears in the text field when adding text. The text will remain in place for that preset until it is edited or deleted (including after closing and re-opening vATIS). Pre-defined airport conditions (such as LVP) will also remain in place until deselected. When setting up an ATIS, make sure that no old/irrelevant ATIS text is present.

ESSA ATIS set up and formatting:

  • AWOS for ESSA which shows real life runways in use as well as runway surface conditions is available at
  • In vATIS, there are one or more presets for each runway combination. Some runway combinations have separate presets for IMC and VMC conditions (the phrase "additional spacing on final due to runways in use" is added into the IMC conditions)preset). Take care to select the relevant preset!
  • Runway surface conditions can be added by pasting the info from AWOS. For the text to be displayed and read out correctly by vATIS, it needs to be in the correct format:
    • The "raw" text from AWOS might look like: 01R: SCC 5 5 5. ISSUED AT 18:57. RWY 100PCT DRY SNOW 3MM. TWY P APN P.
    • This needs to be edited to the correct format for vATIS. Include RWY before the runway designator, remove any colons and make sure there are spaces and punctuation where needed. Some abbreviatons may need to be changed into plain language. The above example when edited to suit vATIS should look like this: RWY 01R SCC 5 5 5. ISSUED AT 1857. RWY 100 PCT DRY SNOW 3 MM. TAXIWAYS POOR. APRONS POOR.
    • For DEP ATIS, include surface conditions for the departure runway only, as well as taxiway and apron conditions.
    • For ARR ATIS, include surface conditions for the arrival runway only, as well as taxiway and apron conditions.
  • In real life, the ATIS designator letter for DEP ATIS and ARR ATIS are usually different. This might be inconvenient on VATSIM as there is no practical way to display both ATIS letters in ES. Therefore it may be preferable to use the same letter for both DEP and ARR ATIS.