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LAI 1 - Vagar

1. Vagar Airport (EKVG)

Vagar Airport is a hybrid of many sorts. Before controlling at EKVG you must:

  • Complete the material on Procedural Airport
  • Be confident with AFIS operation
  • Read and understand the EKVG part of the ATC training handbook of Iceland, to have clear
    understanding of Oceanic procedures1

EKVG_I_TWR - 118.325
BIRD_E1_CTR - 126.750

Runways Type of APP Missed Approach Type of Departure Noise Abatement
12 LOC, NDB, RNP-AR Refer to active charts.
Many different ones, depending on active procedure
Visual Departure

1.1 ATC clearance & Ground operation

Airspace limits Airspace class Climb clerance ACC Sector Descend clerance
GND - FL75 (60 nm.) G 7000' BIRD_E_CTR 7000'

Vagar airport is AFIS meaning you must use AFIS phraseology and clearance structure, However at EKVG controller may issue startup clearance, due to oceanic clearance being needed before startup can be commenced.

All ATC clearances must be obtained from Reykavik control, before start-up is issued. Issue should be obtained from BIRD_E_CTR, if online. If not, revert to BIRD_CTR or BICC_FSS

Airport is condenced and all departure and arrivals must backtrack the active runway, so keep concentrated and issue appropriate information.

For more information regarding Oceanic clerance: Iclandic Wiki - Clerance

1.2 Arrival Procedures

EKVG AFIS (EKVG_I_TWR) will provide Arrival Information including:

  • Runway in use
  • Local QNH
  • Transision Level
  • Turbulence expectation (See table below)
  • Any other relevant information

EKVG_I_TWR is a TIZ zone which extends from GND-7500’. Refer to Appendix 6.3.1 For AFIS procedures. 

Aircrafts should be handed over from BIRD_E_CTR, if online. If not expect handover from BIRD_CTR or BICC_FSS. Aircrafts are cleared:

Runway 12
Direction Point Altitude Procedure
East MY
7000' Enter Base turn to descend 3700 to exec. LOC 12
West Enter holding to descend 3700 to exec. LOC 12
Runway 30
Direction Point Altitude Procedure
East ROBUR 7000' Straight in ILS Z Runway 30
West VG Full procedure ILS Z Runway 30

See AD7.2.2.3 for the chart of approach procedure visually. Note RNP-AR is covered in its own topic under

1.2.1 Turbulece chart


1.2.2 MSA

MSA is 4000' in 25 nm. radius