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Custom ALIAS Files


The ALIAS file describes all the . (dot) shortcuts for Text pilots in Euroscope.

The file is located in: EKDK > Alias folder

It is highly recommended that all controllers make their edits or at least personalize the file to make it fit your exact needs.

How to edit

Basic structure

The file itself is split up in different sections to make it easier to edit and read.
All these categories are defined with: 

;*** [Name] ***

The commands itself are defined with: 

.[command] [Text to be inserted]

An example could be:

;*** A_TWR ***
.conapp Winds are $wind, runway $arrrwy, continue approach, you're number $2

To automatically insert values following codes are used:

Arrival Runway$arrrwy
SSR Code$asquawk

How to edit urself

You can enter as many new lines as you desire, just remember the basic lines as described above.

Once you are done simply save the document and remember to load it into Euroscope:

Open SCT > Load Aliases > Navigate to your Alias file.


If you have made a good file, or have some new entries, please share them with the Staff or @Jeppe S.
Then they might be uploaded here for sharing.