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Non Standard IFR Clearance

When no SID, or aircraft is unable to follow SID, ana Non Standardnon-standard clearance must be issued.

All non non-standard clearance must be coordinated with APP or CTR

The cleranceclearance must contain:


  • Aircraft identification
    • Callsign
  • CleranceClearance limit
    • To destination aerodrome via: Flight planned route - WP then as filed - Radar vectors (When issuing radar vectors, the entire trip will be via vectors only. Only issue this if specially coordinated with APP/CTR)
  • Cleared Level
    • Initial climb
  • Allocated SSR code
    • The squawk
  • Other information
    • Any practical information i.e. other runway for departure than stated in ATIS, maintain runway heading, follow standard noise abatement...

Based on this a cleranceclearance out of EKRK could be:

"OYDDA cleared to EDDH via MAXEL, KOPEX then as filed. Climb initially 5000 ft. level change en-route, squawk 1234"

Or in EKYT:

"SAS123 cleared to EKCH via TNO, climb FL120 level change en-route, squawk 1234. After departure runway 08L follow standard noise abatement procedure."

Here TNO is the only WP in the flightplan, and only valid for EKCH & EKRKEKRK, hence no then as filed after the WP.

Or in EKEB (AFIS):

"DTR1 Copenhagen Control clearesclears you to EKCH via Flight Planned Route, Initial climb FL050 squawk 1234. After departure runway 26, right turn to ABINO."