T2 - EKRN / Rønne
Rønne/Bornholms Lufthavn is the only procedural tower in Denmark.
The airport is serving around 200.000 passengers yearly on its routes. The primary operator DAT, serves the weekly/daily routes to EKCH, EKYT & EKBI.
Procedural Tower
As Rønne is a Procedural tower, means that they serve as an "normal" controlled airport, however without their own radar. They therefore rely solely on aircraft information and data from the Swedish radars.
As they do not have their own radar, there is not any APP. The entire airspace is covered by the TWR. All arrivals and departures therefore have to either follow standard arrival or visual. No radar vector can be provided
The entire airspace is Class D. First sector from GND-1500' and second from 1500 - 3500 ft.
Remember EKRN does NOT have an ATIS, hence all A/C must be offered the latest MET-Report, including RWY in use and TL for inbounds!
All inbounds are handed over from Sweden at 4000 ft. (On ESMM QNH) DCT ROE VOR (Or otherwise coordinated)
TWR may request any aircraft DCT to any WP on the arrival. ODMEI, FAU & ULRED is some of the best/most usedused.
When an aircraft is indbound FAU, they will after the WP turn "downwind/base". Be noted the turning curve is different based of aircraft type. After the "Teardrop turn" they will establish on ILS.
To avoid the teardrop from an annoying angle, they may be cleared DCT ULRED for a straight in ILS
All IFR departures must be coordinated with Sweden, and they must be the ones approving and issuing the Clearance.
Initial climb is always Maximum 3000 ft. and handed directly over to ESMM_APP
All departures are Omnidirectional.
RWY 11 - Climb straight to 700 ft. then turn
RWY 29 - Climb on track 274 to 700/1000 ft. then turn
Exactly the same as a normal TWR.
Only to remember an aircraft can NOT be identified.
For clearance, remember to include: "Sweden clears you..."
For a teardrop approach, following is used: "C/S, via FAU cleared full ILS-Z approach RWY29. Report final"
For a straight in approach: "C/S, via ULRED cleared straight in approach ILS-Z. Report final"
A flight into EKRN might sound like this:
- Rønne TWR hello, DNU46R passing FL060 for 4000 ft. inbound FAU NDB
- DNU46R, Rønne TWR hello. RWY 29 in use. TL040, Rønne QNH 1013. Expect ILS-Z approach RWY29 via FAU. Do you require the latest METAR?
- TL040, QNH 1013, expecting ILS-Z RWY29 via FAU. Negative we have the latest weather onboard. DNU46R
- DNU46R, roger. Descend 2000 ft. via FAU cleared full ILS-Z approach RWY29. Report Final
- Descend 2000 ft. via FAU cleared full ILS-Z approach RWY29. We will report Final. DNU46R
- Establish on final RWY29, DNU46R
- DNU46R, roger, winds 300/14 RWY29 cleared to land
- Cleared to land RWY29, DNU46R
A flight out of EKRN might sound like this:
- Rønne TWR hello, DNU49K, stand 1 request IFR clearance to EKYT
- DNU49K Rønne TWR hello. Request on standby, expect clearance during Taxi. RWY11 in use. Do you require the latest MET-Report?
- Roger clearance during taxi, RWY11 in use, negative we have the latest weather onboard. DNU49K
- DNU49K, roger. Rønne QNH 1013, startup approved, report ready for taxi.
- Startup approved, QNH 1013 report ready for taxi. DNU49K
- TWR, DNU49K ready for taxi.
- DNU49K, Roger, taxi H/P RWY11 via A. Report ready to copy IFR clearance.
- Roger taxi H/P RWY11 via A, we are ready to Copy, DNU49K
- DNU49K, Sweden clears you to EKYT via Flight planned route. Initial climb 3000 ft. SQ1234. After departure RWY11, follow standard noise abatement procedure.
- Cleared to EKYT via Flight planned route. Initial climb 3000 ft. SQ1234. After departure RWY11, follow standard noise abatement procedure, DNU49K
- DNU49K read back correct, report ready for departure
- Ready for departure, DNU49K
- DNU49K roger, winds 150/21 RWY11 cleared for takeoff. Report turning
- Cleared Takeoff RWY11, report turning DNU49K
- TWR, DNU49K turning right.
- DNU49K, Roger. Contact Sweden on 136.135, bye!
- Sweden on 136.135 DNU49K, adios!
All departures must be coordinated and approved, however Flights to EKCH may be cleared via TIDVU without coordination
See LOA with Sweden for more info