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1. Introduction

1.1 General

The Swedish TWR profile makes use of advanced ground states and flight lists, this requires Euroscope v. or later.

Since TopSky is designed to be used in an Area/Approach setting the functionality of that setup is not suited for the tower environment. The tower setup is intended to be used only by DEL, GND or TWR positions (with or without an associated TMA). APP and CTR positions shall use the TopSky setup.

There are two versions of the tower setup, one for use at airports with A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making) and one for airports without. The tower setup uses EuroScope lists in a way similar to a FPB (Flight Progress Board A.k.a. Strips) where the progress of a flight can be managed.

1.2 Flight Progress Board

The FPB (Flight Progress Board) consists of default EuroScope lists arranged in a way that lets you monitor and manage the progress of a flight. Two TopSky lists, Sector and Uncontrolled, are also part of the setup and they will be used to handle airborne traffic. All lists in the FPB have columns and functions specific to that phase of flight.

A departing flight will appear in the Start-up list and will successively move to the Taxi Out list, Take-Off list and then to the Sector list. In the Start-up list you can manage any action necessary from receiving the flight plan to start-up and push-back. Once the aircraft calls for taxi the flight can be toggled to the Taxi Out list. When the aircraft receives the take-off clearance it will be toggled to the Take-Off list and once airborne it will show in the Sector list.

An arriving aircraft will initially appear in the Sector list and with less than 40 track miles to destination will also show in the ADC Sector list. The ADC Sector list will show the arrival sequence. Once the aircraft has landed it can be toggled to the Taxi In list.

Additionally, the setup contains the Uncontrolled list, showing all VFR flights, the Controller list and the METAR list. These lists are not forming part of the FPB.

The A-CDM version of the FPB have a few additional columns in the Start-Up list related to the A-CDM / Departure sequencing. By default, the A-CDM version have more rows in the Start-Up and Taxi Out/In lists to allow for more traffic. The two versions of the FPB are otherwise identical.

Depending on what position you are working, you are encourage to remove lists that are unnecessary for your task. This will free up screen space and let you focus on the responsibilities specific to your working position. Below is a table suggesting which lists to have open for which position.

Startup X* X X
Taxi out X X
Take-off X
ADC Sector X X
Taxi in X* X
Sector X

*Not needed if GND is open

2. Ground Track Labels

This chapter describes the track labels as shown on ASRs using the Ground Radar plugin. For a description of TopSky track labels (such as shown on ESAA_TWR_APP.asr), see TopSky.

The track symbols and labels are colored according to the flight’s status (arrival, departure or overflight/unknown).

  • Arrivals are yellow
  • Departures are light blue
  • Overflight/unknown are light grey.

Data fields in normal text e.g. "SID", can be selected globally on/off via SETTINGS->Labels.
Data fields in bold text e.g. "CALLSIGN", is always shown
Data fields in parentheses e.g. "(ALRT)", are blank when there is no data.

Right-clicking on the any track symbol toggles the heading lines.


2.1 Departures

Track label for outbound flights.

Unselected track


Selected track


2.2 Arrivals

Track label for inbound flights.

Unselected track


Selected track


2.3 Overflight

Track label for flights that are neither outbound nor inbound.

Unselected track


Selected track



2.4 Departures

Track label for outbound flights.

Unselected track


Selected track


2.5 Arrivals

Track label for inbound flights.

Unselected track


Selected track


2.6 Overflight

Track label for flights that are neither outbound nor inbound.

Unselected track


Selected track



For a description of track labels shown at other airports than ESGG and ESSA, refer to Ground Radar plugin for EuroScope - General.pdf (4. Track presentation) included in the GNG package.

2.7 Mouse functions in track labels

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
ALRT Safety net alert indicator (yellow or red)
ASSR_E SSR code error indicator (red)
ATYP Aircraft type (ICAO)
CALLSIGN Callsign Open Callsign menu
COMM Communication type indicator (yellow)
“r” for voice receive only
“t” for text only
REG Aircraft registration code
(Read from FPL remarks)
RMK Remarks
(scratchpad/OP-TEXT2 text)
DEP Displays AHDG if set
Displays SID if no AHDG set.
Open SID setup popup list Open assigned heading popup list
STAND Assigned arrival stand name.
Yellow if reassigned and not acknowledged
Open Stand assignment menu.
If yellow: Acknowledge new assignment
WTC Wake turbulence category

3. Flight Lists

Data fields in normal text e.g. "EVT", are not normally shown but can be selected in the Collumns menu by pressing the "S" on the top left of the respective list when needed.
Data fields in bold text e.g. "CALLSIGN", are selected as default.
Data fields in parentheses e.g. "(NRAC)", are blank (instead of displaying the field name) when there is no data.

3.1 Startup List

Shows traffic from receiving the flight plan until ground state S/U (Start-Up) or S/P (Start-Up & Push-Back).

Start-Up list is sorted by ground state.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
EVT VATCAN Event indicatior
(STS) Ground Status Open Ground State menu Assume / Transfer
C/S Callsign Open Callsign menu Toggle callsign highlight
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Assume / Transfer
(R) Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
W Wake turbulence category Toggle WTC highlight
(STD) Departure Stand
ADEP Departure aerodrome
ADES Destination aerodrome Open ES flight plan dialog
(DRWY) Departure Runway Open RWY menu
RTE/AHD Displays AHDG if set
Displays SID if no AHDG set.
Open SID menu Open AHDG menu
CFL Cleared Flight Level Open CFL menu
(XFL) Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
(ASSR) Assigned mode A code Open ASSR menu
(CLR) Combined clearance received flag,
DCL dialogue status and CMT (Comment) indicator
Open PDC/DCL Window Open CMT Pop-up
(RMK) Remarks
(scratchpad text/OP-TEXT2)
Edit scratch pad string(OP_TEXT2)
EOBT EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time) Open Time menu (EOBT)
(Calculated Take Off Time)
(CTOT) CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time) Open Time menu (CTOT) Reset CTOT to EOBT

The fields listed below are shown when using the CDM profile, for more information see CDM Procedures ESSA.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
EOBT EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time) Open EOBT Options Open CDM Options
(Calculated Take Off Time)
(CTOT) CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time) Open CTOT Options GET ECFMP Flow message as text
E CDM Timing
"P" if EOBT > 35 min in the future
"C" if EOBT < 35 min in the future
"I" if TSAT has expired
Open CDM Options
TOBT EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time) Open TOBT Options Open CDM Options
TSAT CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time) Open TSAT Delay
Add custom delay to all future TSATs
Open CDM Options
Not shown Target Start-Up Approval Communicated.
Yellow if TSAT changes more than 5 minutes
Add TSAT to TSAC Open CDM Options

3.2 Taxi Out List

Shows traffic with ground state TXO (Taxi Out) or xLU (Line Up).

Taxi Out list is sorted by DSQ (Departure Sequence).

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
(STS) Ground Status Open Ground State menu Assume / Transfer
C/S Callsign Open Callsign menu Toggle callsign highlight
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Assume / Transfer
(DSQ) Departure sequence number Open DSQ menu
If no number set: Assigns next available sequence number
Advance (decrease) aircraft sequence number by one
(R) Flight rules
“V” if VFR
“Y” if first IFR and later VFR
“Z” if first VFR and later IFR
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
W Wake turbulence category Toggle WTC highlight
RTE/AHD Displays AHDG if set
Displays SID if no AHDG set.
Open SID menu Open AHDG menu
(CLR) Combined clearance received flag,
DCL dialogue status and CMT (Comment) indicator
Open PDC/DCL Window Open CMT Pop-up
(XFL) Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
(DRWY) Departure Runway Open RWY menu
(RMK) Remarks
(scratchpad text/OP-TEXT2)
Edit scratch pad string(OP_TEXT2)
(CTOT) CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time) Open Time menu (CTOT) Reset CTOT to EOBT

3.3 Take-Off List

Shows traffic with ground state T/O until the aircraft is airborne. Once the aircraft is airborne the flight will be moved to the Sector list.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
(STS) Ground Status Open Ground State menu Assume / Transfer
C/S Callsign Open Callsign menu Toggle callsign highlight
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Assume / Transfer
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
W Wake turbulence category Toggle WTC highlight
RTE/AHD Displays AHDG if set
Displays SID if no AHDG set.
Open SID menu Open AHDG menu
(XFL) Exit Flight Level Open XFL menu
COPX Exit coordination point Open Waypoint menu Toggle Route draw with MTCD
(DRWY) Departure Runway Open RWY menu
(RMK) Remarks
(scratchpad text/OP-TEXT2)
Edit scratch pad string(OP_TEXT2)

3.4 ADC Sector List (Arrival Sequence)

Shows arriving traffic within 40 track miles with ground state ARR (Arrival).

This list is sorted by ETA.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
(STS) Ground Status Open Ground State menu Assume / Transfer
C/S Callsign Open Callsign menu Toggle callsign highlight
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Assume / Transfer
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
W Wake turbulence category Toggle WTC highlight
STD Arrival Stand Open Stand menu
ARWY Arrival Runway Open RWY menu
C/L Cleared to land Flag Toggle Mark
(RMK) Remarks
(scratchpad text/OP-TEXT2)
Edit scratch pad string(OP_TEXT2)

3.5 Taxi In List

Shows arriving traffic with ground state TAXI IN.

This list is sorted by call sign.

Data Fields Description Left-click action Right-click action
(STS) Ground Status Open Ground State menu Assume / Transfer
C/S Callsign Open Callsign menu Toggle callsign highlight
SI Sector Indicator Open next controller popup list Assume / Transfer
ATYP Aircraft type Toggle ATYP highlight
ADEP Departure aerodrome
STD Arrival Stand Open Stand menu
(RMK) Remarks
(scratchpad text/OP-TEXT2)
Edit scratch pad string(OP_TEXT2)

3.6 Sector List and Uncontrolled List 1 & 2

For a description of the Sector List and Uncontrolled List 1 & 2, see TopSky.