Useful links and resources
Charts/Flight Planning
AIP Sweden AD 2 (Airport charts)
AIP Sweden
Daily use plan for R- and D-Areas
- (Real ATIS / MET REPORT for some Swedish airports: ESSA, ESGG, ESMS, ESSB, ESKN, ESOW, ESGP and more)
Skyvector (Map for route VFR/IFR Route planning)
Openflightmaps (Open source VFR Maps for some parts of Europe)
LFV eCharts
OpenAIP Map (Showing Gliding Sectors)
LFK Flight Planner (Flight planner for VFR Flights, in Swedish)
Eurocontrol - AIRAC Dates
Eurocontrol - Cartography (Regional charts and others)
Eurocontrol - Odd/Even? Flight level orientation map
Navigation data (Paid services)
Flight tracking and live ATC feeds
Regulations (Callsigns and Phraseology)
TSFS 2019:126K: Swedish Transport Agency regulations and general guidelines on air traffic control services (ATS) (Swedish only)
TSFS 2019:36 Swedish Transport Agency regulations and general guidelines on radiotelephony and phraseology (Swedish and English)
Regulations for Military Aviation (Swedish only)
Military callsigns and new civil callsigns
Other Resources
Procedures for PANS/ATM (a.k.a. the ATC bible) - DOC 4444
Aircraft Type Designators - DOC 8643
ICAO Annexes
ICAO Manuals
EASA Easy Access Rules for Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services
SKYbrary (Safety related content by Eurocontrol)
Svenskt Flyghistoriskt Forum - Civilflygregistret (If you have a specific aircraft type and want to use a realistic registration, Swedish only)
Event Overview (Simple, showing the next days only)
Event Calendar (All events, scrollable Date)
Pilot Learning Center
Documents and Policies (CoC, CoR, GDPR, GCAP)
VATSIM Radar (Map showing online ATC and traffic)
AFV-Map (Shows voice range of online ATC Positions and traffic)
VATGlasses (Shows ATC Sectorization (Sweden included) and traffic)
VAT-Spy (Downloadable software, shows online ATC and traffic)
Worldwide Airport charts (Chartfox)
Flight Planning
VATSIM Flightplan Prefile
Simbrief (Flight planning solution for IFR Flights)
GRD - Global Route Database
EDI-GLA (Real World Flightplan Database)
VATSIM Scandinavia
Event Calendar (VATSIM Scandinavia events only)
Discord Server (Verify Discord account through VATSIM Community Hub)
Training System (Control Center)
Examiners List (Within CC)
Visiting Endorsements List (Within CC)
Available Airport Stands List (Available for ESSA, ESSB, ESGG, ESMS, ESPA among others)