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What is vACDM

vACDM is the second generation of CDM plugins which helps us manage start-up times in order to minimize delays and queues at the holding points.

vACDM is MANDATORY to use if you sit on EKCH_DEL

Abbriviations for CDM

EOBT : Estimated off block time

TOBT: Target off block time

TSAT: Target Start Up Time

ASRT: Requested Start Up Time

TTOT: Target Takeoff Time


What does it all mean?

Quick Breakdown for the basic rules

EOBT is always filed as part of the flight plan

TOBT is filed and changed during the boarding as predicted ready time may be changed back and forth. Pilot can freely choose this time. It is essentially a "Fine Tuning" of EOBT

TSAT is the time the CDM has targeted the pilot to start up on. This is based on 

  • 40 slots pr. hour meaning a takeoff time every 90 seconds
  • Taxi time to the runway
  • Finding a slot - taxi time which is as close as possible to the pilot filed TOBT.

ASRT is purely a marker you use to remind yourself pilot has requested start-up

ASAT is the time he has been given startup which is also in a way a marker.

Pilots KNOW their TOBT (it is filed by them)

Pilots DO NOT know their TSAT (It is constantly changing and is calculated by the system)

What to expect from Pilots

  1. Pilot have a off block time or EOBT. This is filed with the flightplan
  2. TOBT is automatically calculated and will initially be identical to the EOBT
  3. Pilots will access "" to "Confirm" their off block time. This should be done by pilots who want to avoid extensive delay, but is not mandatory


Pilots shall call within +/- 5 minutes of their TOBT (the one they know)

Start-up shall only be granted within +/- 5 minutes of the TSAT (the calculated one)