Danish Airports & Charts
Airport Briefings
All briefings & charts for all Danish Airports
EKCH - Copenhagen/Kastrup
TOBT During peak times Copenhagen adhere to A-CDM. This is to minimize delays. In order to ensur...
EKBI - Billund Airport
Available stands Overview Billund Airport is the second largest in Denmark. The airport was o...
EKYT - Aalborg
Available stands Overview Aalborg, or Ålborg, Airport is the third largest in Denmark. The ai...
EKAH - Aarhus
Available stands Overview Aarhus, or Tirstrup, Airport is the fourth largest in Denmark. Orig...
EKRN - Rønne
Overview Rønne, or Bornolm, Airport is the fifth largest in Denmark. Originally built in 1940 bu...
Airport Charts
Here you can find VATSIM-Scandinavia custom tailored charts
General recommendations
General recommendations When flying within Denmark, some small things can make the experience gr...
ACC Sectors in Denmark
We have many different ACC Sectors in Denmark. See below to Identify which one is for you. Notic...
Do's and don'ts
A small guide on what to do and not to do, always ensure that you follow the Vatsim Code of Condu...