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EKBI - Billund Airport

Available stands


Copenhagen - Kastrup airport is the biggest in Scandinavia with 25.000.000 passengers served in 2023.

ALWAYS remember, if you are unsure or in doubt then ask. We will always do our best to help you out!

Use of stands

In Kastrup, there are 3 main terminals. Terminal 1 & 2 is for Schengen flights, Terminal 3 for Non-Schengen & Shengen. CPH GO is for low-cost carriers.

Which airline parks where?

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A Stands - Shengen only

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B Stands - Schengen only

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C Stands - NON Schengen only

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D Stands - Flexible

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E Stands - Flexible

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F Stands - Flexible

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G Stands - Cargo only


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General aviation / Business jets & misc.

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IFR clearance

Initial contact is with Clearance Delivery, reporting callsign, stand number, and latest ATIS identification letter.
Remember to read/listen to the entire ATIS as there might be some specific info related to you, especially if you are unable to perform customized pushback!

Requesting De-Icing

If you require de-ice prior to your departure, request with your departure clearance request.


All stands require pushback (except F89 - F91 & Prop/Bizz-jet at A25 - A34) All stands have designated release points and a secondary point. However, ATC can deviate from standard procedures if it's more optimal for the current traffic situation.
If you for some reason is unable to perform a pushback to one of these points, you MUST inform the controller when asking for pushback!

Standard Pushback Routes.png


In Copenhagen we have standard taxi routes, however, those are subject to traffic conditions, and can at any time be changed by a controller.

Standard taxi routes Runway 22R/22L specific

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Standard taxi routes Runway 04R/04L specific

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In Copenhagen, we have 3 runways, 04R/22L, 04L/22R & 12/30.

The 2 parallel runways are the primary with the Left being used for landings and the Right for departures.
Runway 12/30 is only to be used when crosswind exceeds 15 - 20 knots on the parallels.

All runways have ILS, which always will be used, if not visual. Only 04L and 22L have ILS CATIII


Depending on destination and routing each SID can be chosen at pilots discretion, However.
BETUD is NOT used on Vatsim
EKYT & EKAH arrivals must use the GOLGA
If SALLO is a waypoint in the Flightplan this MUST be used and NOT SIMEG

When creating the Flightplan do NOT include the identifier (i.e. 2C), simply write the waypoint name.


22R SIDS - EKCH.png


Arrivals into Copenhagen come from 5 directions, and all have the following items to know.

  • Initial fix
    • Also the name of the STAR
  • Holding fix
    • Where the holdings are on the arrivals
  • Handover fix
    • Where you are handed over to the approach controller
  • Path to the Vector fix
    • Path until the arrival culminates in a vector 


Every STAR has a holding, either on the first or second point on the STAR. You can expect holdings in peak hours

STAR Point of Holding Inbound course Turn Time of leg
TESPI ROSBI 103˚ Left 1 min
TUDLO LUGAS 073˚ Left 1 min
MONAK CODAN (CDA) 032˚ Right 1 min
TIDVU TIDVU 294˚ Right 1 min
ERNOV ERNOV 179˚ Left 1 min

The path after handover to APP

When handed over to APP you will continue to fly on the RNAV arrival until you reach the “Vector fix”. After you reach this fix you must continue on the Specified Vector until you are turned in by APP! Even if you don’t hear anything you must continue on this Downwind heading as per the charts.

Make sure you comply with all altitude and speed restrictions on the STAR, and advise Copenhagen Approach if you are unable


ILS is the only approach type normally used with vectors. RWY 04L and 22L have ILS CATIII, whilst the other runways only have ILS CATI.
Visual Approaches can be approved for all A/C types on request to the APP controller.

Direct routings

If traffic permits you might receive directs from both EKDK_CTR and APP.
Control will normally send directs for the Handover fix, you might also get a direct for the initial ILS fix. This WP is however not part of your STAR or ILS, so you will have to manually input it.

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