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EKBI - Billund Airport

Available stands


CopenhagenBillund - Kastrup airportAirport is the biggestsecond largest in ScandinaviaDenmark. withThe 25.000.000airport passengerswas servedoriginally built in 2023.
1964 by LEGO. The airport was back then built to accommodate visitors to the nearby Legoland. The airport has since been taken over by nearby communes and a private company and then expanded to the size we know today. In 2023 the airport had 3.101 operations and moved 214.000 passengers.

ALWAYS remember, if you are unsure or in doubt then ask. We will always do our best to help you out!

Use of stands

In Kastrup,Billund, there are 3 main terminals.aprons. TerminalThe northern one at the terminal building accommodates all passenger planes.
The stands 25 - 26 & 38 - 40 are flex stands, meaning they can accommodate both Schengen and NON-Schengen.
Stand 27 - 37 is Schengen only.

Stand 65 - 94 is used for longer-term parking.

Southern Apron;
Stand 2 - 7 is Cargo
Stand 1 &is 2VIP
The G area is for Schengen flights, Terminal 3used for Non-SchengenGeneral &Aviation

The Shengen.De-Ice CPHpad GO(J) ismay be used for low-costHeavy carriers.
and Super

Which airline parks where?

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A Stands - Shengen only

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B Stands - Schengen only

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C Stands - NON Schengen only

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D Stands - Flexible

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E Stands - Flexible

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F Stands - Flexible

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G Stands - Cargo only


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General aviation / Business jets & misc.

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IFR clearance

Initial contact is with Clearance Delivery,Tower, reporting callsign, stand number, and latest ATIS identification letter.
Remember to read/listen to the entire ATIS as there might be some specific info related to you, especially if you are unable to perform customized pushback!you!

Requesting De-Icing

If you require de-ice prior tobefore your departure, request it with your departure clearance request.


All stand at the terminal and Cargo stands require pushbackpushback. The Mid-Apron (exceptStand F8965 - F9194) &is Prop/Bizz-jettaxi-out based on A/C type. (Some heavy might require pushback)

IRL pushback is at A25the - A34) All stands have designated release points and a secondary point. However, ATC can deviate from standard procedures if it'pilot's morediscretion, optimalHowever foron Vatsim, it is up to the currentindividual traffic situation.
If you for some reason is unablecontroller to performsimulate athis pushbackor to one of these points, you MUSTnot. inform the controller when asking for pushback!

Standard Pushback Routes.png


InWhen Copenhagenlanding weRWY have09 standardpilots are encouraged to continue taxiing via K to hold short at N
For departures, F intersection may be used upon request.
Intersection M may always be used at the Pilot's discretion.

Backtracking via A is NOT allowed for Mediums+, if you require full length, advise the controller and you will receive a taxi routes,via however,B, thoseF are& subject to traffic conditions, and can at any time be changed by a controller.

Standard taxi routes Runway 22R/22L specific

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Standard taxi routes Runway 04R/04L specific

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In Copenhagen,Billund, wethere is only 1 runway. Both ends have 3ILS runways,CATII/III. 04R/22L,This 04L/22R & 12/30.

The 2 parallel runways areis the primarynormal withprocedure.
During thedirect Leftcrosswind beingsituations i.e. winds 180 or 360, 09 may be used for landingsdeparture and the Right27 for departures.
Runway 12/30 is onlylanding, to beensure usedshorter whentaxi crosswind exceeds 15 - 20 knots on the parallels.

All runways have ILS, which always will be used, if not visual. Only 04L and 22L have ILS CATIIItimes.


Depending on destination and routing each SID can be chosen at pilotsthe pilot's discretion, However.
BETUD is NOT used on Vatsim
EKYT & EKAHEKCH arrivals must use the GOLGA
If SALLO is a waypoint in the Flightplan this MUST be used and NOT SIMEGABINO

When creating the Flightplan do NOT include the identifier (i.e. 2C), simply write the waypoint name.


22R SIDS - EKCH.png


ArrivalsThere intoare Copenhagenno comeSTAR's fromin 5Billund.
Expect directions, and all have the following itemsdirect to know.

  • InitialILS fix
    • Also the name of the STAR
  • Holding fix
    • Where the holdings are on the arrivals
  • Handover fix
    • Where you are handed over to the approach controller
  • Path to the Vector fix
    • Path until the arrival culminates in a vector 


Every STAR has a holding, either on the first or second point on the STAR. You can expect holdings in peak hours

STARPoint of HoldingInbound courseTurnTime of leg
TESPIROSBI103˚Left1 min
TUDLOLUGAS073˚Left1 min
MONAKCODAN (CDA)032˚Right1 min
TIDVUTIDVU294˚Right1 min
ERNOVERNOV179˚Left1 min

The path after handover to APP

When handed over to APP you will continue to fly on the RNAV arrival until you reach the “Vector fix”. After you reach this fix you must continue on the Specified Vector until you are turned in by APP! Even if you don’t hear anything you must continue on this Downwind heading as per the charts.

Make sure you comply with all altitude and speed restrictions on the STAR, and advise Copenhagen Approach if you are unableVectors.


ILS Z is the only approach type normally usedused.
You withmight vectors.receive RWY"Via 04L[FIX] and 22L haveCleared ILS CATIII,Z whilstRunway XX" Meaning after that FIX you are cleared for the other runways only have ILS CATI.approach. (See the specified fixes in the pictures below)
Visual Approaches can be approved for all A/C types on request to the APP controller.controller, it is however NOT allowed to overfly the City south of the airport.

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Direct routings

If traffic permits you might receive directs from both EKDK_CTR and APP.
ControlThe willfixes normally sendgiven directs forare the Handoverones fix,listed you might also get a direct for the initial ILS fix. This WP is however not part of your STAR or ILS, so you will have to manually input it.

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