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Login Procedures

Empty Position

Whenever logging onto a position that no one else is covering (directly or top-down), always inform adjacent and overlying controllers via the ATC chat (and also following up via private message if appropriate.)

Handing Over/Relieving a Position

Whenever logging onto a position that is being covered by someone else (directly or top-down), controllers should first:

  • Ideally log on as an observer (OBS) for 5-10 minutes before connecting, to observe the traffic situation.
  • Check with the other controller, to make sure they are okay with being relieved, and to agree on the time for the position handover.
    • The controller taking over the position is the relieving controller and the controller who is handing over the position is the relieved controller.

Then, during the position handover:

  1. The relieving controller logs onto VATSIM on Euroscope and AFV using an appropriate relief callsign. Generally, one should add an extra underscore before the facility suffix (after the FIR and sector identifier) — for example, BIKF_TWR may be relieved by BIKF__TWR, and BIRD_S1_CTR may be relieved by BIRD_S1__CTR.
    • Sometimes, AFV may not properly detect relief callsigns, especially for _CTR positions. In this case, one should manually add the original callsign/frequency of the position and XC on the original callsign, to allow access to the correct transceivers for the position.
    • If the other controller is already using a relief callsign, then one may log on with the original position callsign.
  2. The relieved controller shall brief the relieving controller on the current situation regarding the position. This shall include, at minimum:
    • Traffic information for all aircraft under the position's area of responsibility, particularly those which are unusual or coordinated differently than usual.
      • For normal aircraft without any special notes, the relieved controller may simply transfer tags individually to the relieving controller.
    • Aerodrome information for all airports under the position's area of responsibility — active/preferred runways, latest ATIS letter if applicable, whether the airport is in IMC/VMC, etc.
    • Airspace information about any relevant active airspace area (danger, warning, etc.)
    • Coordination agreed with neighboring sectors.
    • Any other relevant information necessary to control the position.
  3. Once the briefing is complete, the relieving controller shall verify that:
    • They have all tags assumed & all aircraft on frequency.
    • They have connected all ATISes.
    • They have all the information required to control their position.

Once all the above is complete, the relieved controller may disconnect, and the handover is complete.


Whenever a mentor and a student are logging on, the guidelines in the VATSCA Student & Mentor SOP shall be followed. The following should be noted in particular:

  • The student shall log on before the mentor. This reduces the likelihood that Euroscope will get "confused" and mistake the mentor connection as the primary controller.
  • The mentor shall log on with the midfix _M_ in their callsign (e.g., BIKF_TWR's mentor should have the mentor callsign BIKF_M_TWR.) The student may log on with the usual callsign of the position.
  • The mentor should verify that the student has the correct Euroscope sector ID in their controller list. E.g., BIKF_TWR should have sector ID "KFT."
  • If the sector ID is displaying as simply numbers (10, 11, etc.), then the mentor may try the following steps:
      • Log off & on again
      • Use the midfix _Z_ instead of _M_
      • Deselect the primary frequency of the position in Euroscope (and accept that Euroscope will not highlight the correct area of responsibility)