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Your main task is sequencing airplanes for startup, by use of TSATs

Pre- Clearance:

  • As aircrafts are spawned, fill in the Squawks in Vstripsif possible
  • Help reposition aircrafts that are spawned oddly on taxiway
  • Review flightplans to confirm correctness!
  • Log on CDM as “.cdm ekch master”

Post Clearance

  • A/Cs transfers immediately to you, where you manage them and give them start up at correct times.
  • When aircraft report ready for start:
    • Find aircraft in departure list
    • Press on RDY to mark airplane reported ready
    • If GREEN Aircraft is approved for startup
      • Move TAG to READY bay and transfer to EKCH_A_GND
    • If ORANGE Aircraft is NOT approved for startup
      • Move TAG to STANDBY bay until TSAT turns Green
      • When TSAT is green, move to READY and transfer to EKCH_A_GND


  • Write “.cdm master ekch” if S_GND is offline. Write “.cdm slave ekch” if S_GND is online
  • Write “.cdm slave ekch” before logging off!!! Otherwise all times are lost
  • IF EKCH_S_GND is offline Keep aircraft on your frequency until startup.
  • Use CDM system to ensure proper sequencing and not to overload GND
  • WHEN EKCH_S_GND is online
  • With “readback correct” send aircraft immediately to EKCH_S_GND. He will sequence them

Check for correct departure. If wrong departure is filed, Re-clear on correct departure.

No coordination needed: for A380/B748 clear off 22L/04R 
Coordination needed: All other desired departures off non-active departure runway

FLOW Management when “Readback Correct” if no EKCH_S_GND online:

  1. Tell pilot “Report Ready for startup”
  2. Pilot advises ready for startup, click RDY and to stipulate time.

A/C ready for startup:

  1. Find A/C in Startup list, and click RDY regardless of TSAT color.
  2. If TSAT is displayed in GREEN the aircraft is approved for startup
  3. If TSAT is displayed in ORANGE the TSAT window has not been reached.
  4. If still ORANGE, aircraft must wait. Tranfer to STANDBY bay until TSAT is GREEN

NOTE: If EKCH_S_GND is online, transfer immediately after advising TSAT. Use phrase.
“Readback correct, TSAT at 1225z, report ready to Apron on 121.905”

IFR flights with no SID:
Follow procedures stated in the Non Standard IFR Clearance

More info regarding CDM and its use can be found here