ENGM – Oslo Lufthavn
Available stands
Oslo Airport, Gardermoen is the main airport of the Norwegian capital Oslo, and the main international airport of Norway. Having earlier served as a secondary airport, air force base and charter airport, Gardermoen opened as the new main airport of Oslo on October the 8th 1998, replacing the now closed Fornebu Airport. Today, it has over 26 million passengers passing through each year, with 162 destinations worldwide, from short domestic flights to intercontinental long hauls.
CODE F / A380
All procedures are also well shown on AD 2 ENGM 2-3 (Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart - Code F)
Runway 01L/19R will normally be used for departure and arrivals.
The following stands are designated for Code F operations:
Stand | Taxi Restrictions | Pushback procedures |
52 | Shall taxi via TWY W and J1 to stand | Towing/Pushback is accepted on J between J1 and S to postion 19. |
80 | Shall taxi via TWY Y and D1 | Towing/Pushback is accepted on D between D1 and P to position 31. |
171L | Shall taxi via TWY K | Push back to startposition 53 facing West. |
201L | TWY N can be used for CODE F | Start-up position 63 facing south or 64 facing north as instructed by GND. |
203L | TWY N can be used for CODE F | Start-up position 63 facing south or 64 facing north as instructed by GND. |
- Additionally, Taxiways N, M, P, V, S, and T are approved for A380 movements.
Pier/Apron | Stands | Assigned to |
West Pier | 2-28 | Domestic Only |
East Pier | 36-44 | Schengen only |
40-53 | Non-schengen only | |
North Pier | 60-96 | Domestic & Schengen Only |
South Pier | 171-178 | Domestic mainly |
Remote apron | 181-189 | International mainly |
Cargo Apron | 201-208 | Cargo only |
GA Apron | 313-332 | General aviaton |
IFR clearance
Initial contact is with Clearance Delivery, reporting callsign, stand number, and latest ATIS identification letter and QNH.
Requesting De-Icing
If you need de-icing before departure, request it when making your IFR clearance request. If you forget to do so, notify ATC immediately once you determine that de-icing is required. After pushback is requested, de-icing may no longer be available, as you will have already been placed in the departure sequence - depending on traffic conditions.
DCL: Include clearence request with Remark REQ DEICE
Voice: Upon inital contact with GARDEMOEN DELIVERY, advise if de-ice is required.
Most of the terminal gates requires straight-back pushes, however a few have turn-pushes. Please have a look on the maps below to see how you should perform your push from the stand. You can click on the images to have a closer look.
Pushback maps
Taxi instructions at Gardermoen include the full taxi route, but the runway intersection may not always be specified. If your clearance states "holding point runway XX," you may request an intersection departure by calling ATC with "CALLSIGN, ready via [intersection]" as you approach it. Approval will depend on traffic conditions. Before requesting, ensure the available runway length is sufficient for your aircraft.
For runway 01R, always expect a full-length departure via B1 or B2 due to noise abatement and SID procedures.
Given that you’ve parked according to the paragraph describing the Use of stands, usually the eastern runway (19L/01R) is used for international departures/arrivals, and the western (19R/01L) for domestic departures/arrivals. This however is not a set rule, and runways are organized to accommodate high traffic loads. The western runway (19R/01L) has a TORA of 3600m, the eastern runway (19L/01R) has a TORA of 2950m.
During winter operations the airport normally operates with a segregated runway configuration, landing on 01R/19R and departing 01L/19L.
Each SID is assigned to a specific runway. When receiving your clearance, remember that the SID provided is only valid for one runway—double-check in case the controller omits the departure runway.
Oslo Airport Gardermoen is one of the first in Europe to implement a Point Merge System (PMS). This system organizes all STARs into a waypoint "fan" (refer to the STAR charts for Gardermoen). Pilots should always be ready for a direct routing to one of the four merge waypoints to help reduce approach ATC workload.
All STARs are valid for both parallel runways, 19L/R or 01L/R. Approach ATC will assign your runway based on current traffic conditions and stand allocation.
The final fix of the STAR (or Merge Point) leads to a transition FIX for the ILS approach to each runway. While ATC often provides vectors instead, always be prepared to fly the published transition. Do not proceed directly from the merge point to the Final Approach Fix (FAF). If no transitions are available, inform ATC and request vectors.
Review the ILS charts carefully and adhere to all altitude and speed restrictions unless instructed otherwise by ATC.
The standard approach to Gardermoen is ILS for all runways, all of which are CAT III equipped. During low visibility conditions, only the right runway (01R or 19R) is used for landings. RNP approaches are available upon request. The RNP AR approaches will allow for shorter track miles.
"Via `INSUV/VALPU/TITLA/BAVAD` cleared ILS approach runway xx"
means that after reaching the specified waypoint, you are to follow the ILS transition route as depicted on the ILS approach charts. You must also descend according to the published procedure - study the ILS charts so you are well prepared.
Standard Speeds to Follow (unless ATC assigns you a different speed):
- 220 knots at the transition point
- 200 knots at IF point
- Minimum 160 knots (or higher) until reaching 4 DME
Visual approaches are not permitted for jet aircraft—only propeller aircraft may request a visual approach.
Direct routings
In Norway, direct routings are commonly used. Both arriving and departing traffic should be prepared for direct clearances to the end of SIDs, STAR merge points, or airspace border fixes. Ensure you have your filed route and waypoint page readily available to quickly accommodate direct routing instructions.
You can always check online positions and sectors by visiting vatglasses.uk
Main logon | Frequency | Position |
ENGM_A_ATIS | 126.125 | Gardermoen Arrival ATIS |
ENGM_D_ATIS | 127.150 | Gardermoen Departure ATIS |
ENGM_W_DEL | 121.680 | Gardermoen Delivery West |
ENGM_E_DEL | 121.930 | Gardermoen Delivery East |
ENGM_W_GND | 121.605 | Gardermoen Ground West |
ENGM_E_GND | 121.905 | Gardermoen Ground East |
ENGM_P_GND | 121.730 | Gardermoen Ground Planner |
ENGM_W_TWR | 118.300 | Gardermoen Tower West (01L/19R) |
ENGM_E_TWR | 120.100 | Gardermoen Tower East (01R/19L) |
ENGM_W_APP | 120.450 | Oslo Approach West |
ENGM_E_APP | 118.475 | Oslo Approach East |
ENGM_D_APP | 136.400 | Oslo Director |
ENGM_F_APP | 128.900 | Oslo Final |
ENOS_CTR | 127.250 | Polaris Control (Oslo ACC South) |
ENOS_N_CTR | 120.375 | Polaris Control (Oslo ACC North) |
ENOR_S_CTR | 121.550 | Polaris Control (Bandbox South/Covering ENOS+ENSV) |
ENOR_SC_CTR | 134.515 | Polaris Control (Bandbox South Central/Covering ENOS+ENSV+ENBD_S) |
ENOR_CTR | 125.500 | Polaris Control (Bandbox) |
ENRC_S_CTR | 118.425 | Gardemoen Tower (Bodø Remote Tower Center) |