Controller Practical Test (CPT) policy for VATSCA
This guideline ensures fair and transparent student assessments across VATSIM Scandinavia. Adherence to the following policies is required: “VATEUD CPT Log Guidelines – Ver. 1.2,” “VATEUD Division Training Policy – Ver. 1.0,” and “VATSIM-POL-GCAP – Ver. 1.1.”
The “CPT Log” (ver. 1.0) must be used for all S2, S3, and C1 rating CPTs and can be downloaded here.
For Tier-1/Tier-2 endorsements, an examiner assesses the student only if they fail to meet standards after 4 training sessions. If the student meets or exceeds standards, the endorsement is issued immediately; otherwise, the Training Director is consulted. A T1/T2 endorsement does not require a CPT.
A CPT must be conducted at any Training airport and may only occur at a T1/T2 airport if the endorsement is part of the training. CPTs on Sweatbox requires the Training Directors approval.
Failure to follow this policy and use the CPT log invalidates the CPT. Refer to the “VATEUD CPT Log Guidelines” for guidance on each rating.
To ensure students' knowledge of top-down coverage, no lower positions should be occupied.
- For an S2 CPT, DEL and GND can be standby positions, called upon by the examiner in order.
- For an S3 CPT, TWR must be standby and ready to log on as instructed by the examiner.
- For a C1 CPT, TWR may be online, while APP must be standby and ready to log on as instructed by the examiner.
Higher positions should always be manned to attract traffic and ensure proper handover.
For a C1 CPT, two examiners are required. If a second examiner is unavailable, inform the Training Director. Examiners must agree unanimously; if not, mark the CPT 'Postponed,' write a summary, and provide the log file to the Training Director for a decision.
For S3 and S2 CPTs, two examiners or an examiner and a mentor must be present. If unavailable, the CPT may proceed with one examiner, who will make the final decision. The assisting examiner/mentor should be consulted, aiming for a unanimous decision.
Examiners must be impartial. If an impartial examiner is not available, inform the Training Director.
The examiner's decision is final and must be communicated to the student within 1 hour, subject to override only by the Training Director or VATEUD.
The examiner must save the EuroScope log file from the CPT and store it for at least 1 month, providing it to the Training Director upon request.
Results leading to a failed CPT
The examiner can end the CPT at any time if the examinee is performing significantly below standards.
A CPT cannot be failed if all competencies are sufficient. If a competency is marked insufficient but the trainee passes, a clear explanation is required. More than two insufficient results in a fail.
A loss of separation results in a failed CPT unless:
- It was partly caused by an adjacent ATC station, and the examinee acted quickly to resolve it.
- It was partly caused by poor pilot performance, and the examinee acted quickly to resolve it.
- The situation was too complex, and additional stations should have been online for support.
A burst of airspace results in a failed CPT unless:
- It was due to poor pilot performance, and the examinee acted quickly to resolve it.
- Adjacent sectors approved the burst beforehand.
A collision or near collision on the ground results in a failed CPT unless:
- It was due to poor pilot performance, and the examinee acted quickly to resolve it.
Failing the "Demonstrates professional behavior and pleasant attitude" field results in a failed CPT.
If any field is marked N/A, it must be reviewed theoretically with the examinee after the CPT. If the examinee fails to respond correctly, it is marked as Insufficient with a comment.
If there is insufficient traffic to assess competencies, use "The trainee needs to be observed again." The filled sheet must be provided to the examinee, and a new CPT scheduled.
Requirements for Examiners
- Hold at least one rating higher than the position being examined (C1 or higher for C1 CPTs).
- Be an active mentor and controller.
- Be in good standing with the VATSCA Training Department.
To recruit examiners, the local Training Manager nominates candidates to the Training Director. If approved, the nominee conducts an examination with an experienced examiner, who evaluates their eligibility. If both the Training Manager and the Training Director find the nominee satisfactory, an endorsement is issued.