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How to start ATC training

Question: I am interested in participating in ATC training in VATSIM Scandinavia, what do I do?
Answer: Just go over to Control Center and log in via VATSIM Connect (Single Sign On), choose country of interest and request your training. Your training request will be handled within CC, where you will receive messages and status updates about your training request.

  • Note: Visiting Controller: Follow instructions on Visiting Controller page.
  • Note: Transfer from other network or fast upgrade (Real life ATC or commercial pilot) contact Training Director

Question: I signed up for ATC training some time ago, how come I haven’t heard anything yet, not even a confirmation email from the training department, that my request has been received?
Answer: Information regarding your training request and its status is handled within CC. You will receive information to your VATSIM registered email account.

Question: I signed up for ATC training some time ago, how come I haven’t heard anything yet, only a confirmation email from CC (Control Center)?
Answer: Usually you must expect some waiting time, depending on how many mentors are active and how many students are waiting in line in the country, where you applied for training. In some cases, this waiting time can even be several months, so some patience is needed.

Question: I signed up for training some weeks before another guy I know, but he has been assigned a mentor before I have, how come?
Answer: The sequence in which mentors are assigned to students is not strictly by date of request. Other factors like current rating, type of training (rating upgrade/Major airport endorsement) are also taken into consideration, because not all mentors are doing all kinds of training. Hence you cannot always expect to be assigned a mentor before another student, who signed up later than yourself.

Question: What about pilot-training, are you providing that too?
Answer: VATSIM Scandinavia only provides ATC training, but VATEUD, the European division that we are part of, is offering pilot training. Have a look at

After training is completed

Question: I just passed my checkout, am I allowed to open a position right away?
Answer: If the validation is an Tier 1 or Tier 2 only, then yes. If the checkout is for obtaining a new rating (e.g. S2), then your rating must be upgraded before you can open the position. You will receive an automatic email from the VATSIM network when the upgrade is completed.

Question: I haven’t received a rating upgrade email after passing my checkout, what is wrong?
Answer: It can last up to 72 hours before the rating upgrade has been processed by the network servers. In case you haven’t received your upgrade email within this period, please send an email to the training director on training-director[at] including your VATSIM ID, in order to get the missing upgrade investigated.