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Fast-Track procedure for VATSCA


This policy is in addition to VATEUD policy on Fast-Track training of ATC. This policy represents the procedures and guidelines followed by VATSCA.

Enrolment onto the Fast-Track scheme means the student will excused from completing a CPT for the appropriate position and; where possible will be brought forward in the training queue for their familiarisation training to be expedited. A Fast-Track student may still be exposed to a waiting period, depending on the availability of training staff.


To be eligible to be enrolled on the Fast-Track Scheme a prospective student must hold one of the following:

  • Frozen ATPL, ATPL or MPL
    • FT available to S2
  • ATCO (Not expired more than 3 years)
    • FT available up to S3
  • IVAO APC+ controllers
    • FT is available up to S2 or S3 (Depending on IVAO rating)

If the student meets one of these requirements, they should inform the Training Director (TD) by Email.
They must supply the TD with sufficient evidence of their license, or relevant IVAO acrreditation by submitting either:

  • A good-quality picture of their license, or scanned copy
  • Screenshot of their IVAO homepage, showing:
    • Name
    • Rank
    • Controller hours
    • Date of last controlled

Training procedure

The normal training procedure may be subject to change at the discretion of the Training Manager (TM) and the TD, to better suit the individual student.

  • Fast-Track approved by TD
    • Once approved the local TM will be informed, and they will contact the student once a mentor is available.
  • Student receives access to Pre-training material
    • The student is expected to study up on procedures as expected by a normal student
  • 1 or 2 sessions on Sweatbox
    • This is used to gain the S1 rating as well for the Mentor to ensure proficiency level is sufficient
  • Rating upgrade to S1
    • TM will assign the S1 test, once passed request rating upgrade
  • VATEUD Fast-Track test
    • This point may be moved at the mentor/TM's discretion
    • If the test fails, the student will be transferred to Standard training. TD may decide to continue Fast-Track, however with a CPT
  • 1 or 2 sessions online as TWR
    • This is used for the mentor to ensure sufficient knowledge and skills for handling any S2 position
  • 1 or 2 sessions online as APP
    • This is used for the mentor to ensure sufficient knowledge and skills for handling any S3 position
  • Rating upgrade to S3
    • If the mentor (On behalf of TM) is happy with the knowledge and skill level, the TM will request the S3 test, once approved the rating upgrade can be issued.
  • Training is completed to the highest level allowed by the Fast-Track Scheme.

If the student is only eligible for an S2 Rating as part of the scheme, once the test is issued and the rating is upgraded, the Student will return to the regular training pool.

General rules of the process

  • The TM may at any point rescind the fast-track, if the student is not performing to the expected level, or if the "training" cannot be successfully completed within a reasonable time (On average only 2 sessions per position)
  • The TD may at any time request that a student completes a CPT to ensure that the student is at the level expected of a controller at their grade and stage of training.
  • It is at the TM’s Discretion to request a “Validation Session”, to be held with a different mentor to the one assigned too the student. This ensures the student possesses the required knowledge and ability to proceed, before releasing them for the Rating upgrade
  • The TD recommends that TM’s are wary of issuing T1 or T2 endorsements without further training or familiarisation. However, TM’s may at their discretion issue T1 or T2 endorsements to Students enrolled in the scheme
  • A graduate from the Fast-Track scheme may be allowed a reduced waiting time before beginning their C1 training, at the discretion of the local TM, as part of the general student pool.