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Transfer and Visiting policy in VATSIM Scandinavia

1 Purpose

This policy clarifies and outlines how VATSIM Scandinavia manages visitors and transfers, both from within and outside of VATSIM Scandinavia. It is based on ‘VATSIM-POL-TVCP Ver. 2.0’ and the ‘VATEUD – Division Training Policy’. Adherence to this policy ensures compliance with both VATSIM and VATEUD policies.

2 Definitions & Abbreviations

Allocation In the context of this policy, an allocation refers to a FIR within VATSIM Scandinavia.
Home Allocation The FIR to which the member 'belongs' is selected by the member when they first request training.
TD Training Director – ACCSCA2
TA Training Assistant
DTA Deputy Training Assistant
LIP Local Induction Plan – A specialized training plan for transferring controllers, created by the TA and approved by the TD.

3 Structure

VATSIM Scandinavia, a subdivision of VATEUD, consists of five FIRs: Copenhagen FIR, Finland, Reijkavik, Norway, and Sweden. Each FIR is treated as an individual subdivision regarding training.

The Training Director (TD) (ACCSCA2) oversees all training-related matters and reports only to the vACC Director (ACCSCA1) and VATEUD staff.

Each FIR has a Training Assistant (TA) (ACCSCA 21–25) who manages all training within their respective FIRs. TAs report solely to the TD. Each TA may delegate duties to a Deputy Training Assistant (DTA) (ACCSCA 26–28). The DTA reports only to the TA.

Each controller is assigned a Home Allocation as described in sections 2.0 and 6.0. Only controllers, both active and inactive, and those in the training queue have a Home Allocation. Pilots and observers (OBS) do not have a Home Allocation and will be assigned one if/when they apply for training.

4 Transfer & Visiting Within VATSCA

4.1 Visiting

If a controller wishes to control in other FIRs within VATSCA, they will be officially designated as a Visiting Controller.

4.1.1 Requirements

To gain visiting rights, the controller must:

  • Hold the rating of S3 or higher
  • Be an active controller
  • Have a minimum of 50 controlling hours on positions matching the rating within the Home Allocation
  • Not have gained any Visiting rights in other FIRs, Sub-divisions or divisions within the past 12 months
  • Not have any other open and/or active training requests
  • Not have a disciplinary history within the last year

If all the above-mentioned criteria are met, the controller may request familiarization in any desired FIR within VATSCA via CC. The controller will be subject to the training queue on the same terms as home controllers in the visiting FIR.

4.1.2 The Familiarization/Training

The visiting trainee must undergo training on unrestricted positions before requesting Tier-1 or Tier-2 training. It is the responsibility of the Training Director and the Visiting FIR’s Training Assistant to ensure the trainee has sufficient knowledge of the position before granting visiting rights.

Once the visiting controller has gained visiting rights and completed a minimum of 10 individual controlling hours, they may request Tier-1 and/or Tier-2 endorsement training via CC. The visitor is subject to the training queue on the same terms as home controllers in the visiting FIR.

Training for new ratings can only occur in the Home FIR.

4.1.3 Requirement for Visiting Controllers

All visiting controllers within any FIR covered by VATSCA are subject to the following requirements:

1.    The visitor must perform at least half of their controlling within their Home Allocation.

2.    The visitor must have at least 10 active controlling hours annually in the visiting FIR.

3.    The visitor must not perform below the average level within the visiting FIR or disrupt fellow controllers and/or pilots.

If any of these requirements are not met, except for, the Training Assistant must inform the visitor and suggest corrective measures. The visitor must immediately implement these corrective measures to meet all requirements again. If the visitor fails to perform the corrective measures within a 14-day period to the TA's satisfaction, the TD will be involved in making a final decision. In the case of a breach of, the controller will immediately lose their visiting endorsement.

4.2 Transfers

If a controller wishes to transfer to another FIR for any reason, the Board and training department highly recommend becoming a Visitor first. This will waive all competency checks.

4.2.1 Requirements

To be eligible for transfer, the controller must meet the following requirements:

1.    Have completed at least 50 hours in positions requiring your current permanent rating within their current FIR.

2.    Have obtained the last rating upgrade at least 90 days ago.

3.    Not to have transferred or attempted to transfer in the past 90 days.

4.    Not to have faced any disciplinary action in the past year.

5.    Not currently holding a staff role.

4.2.2 Process

If the controller fulfils all requirements, they must submit a written request to the new FIR’s TA. Once the TA has confirmed the requirements are fulfilled the transferring period will begin. The transferring controller will have up to 90 days to successfully complete the LIP and successfully pass all theoretically tests. If the LIP and tests are not successfully completed within 90 days, the transfer will be rejected.

Once the LIP and test have been successfully passed, the controller's Home Allocation has now officially changed.

The controller will only be allowed on unrestricted positions until they have independent controlled a minimum of 10 hours. Hereafter the controller may apply for training for any Tier-1 and/or Tier-2 position on the same terms as home controllers. 

By the completion of the transfer, the controller will remain the visiting controller in the previous FIR if, they meet all requirements outlined in 4.1.1

5 Transfer & Visiting from outside of VATSCA

5.1 Visiting

A controller who is not a member of VATSCA may request visiting rights within one of the 5 VATSCA FIRs. The visitor is subject to the same requirements as outlined in 4.1.1.

The controller must submit a request via VATEUD. The "Reason for visiting request" must include:

1.    Application text detailing motivation and ability to provide good service to pilots after training.

2.    Home vACC/ARTCC.

3.    Contact details of the home vACC Director or Training Director.

By applying, the controller confirms they are in good standing with VATSIM and understand and accept the contents of VATSIM Scandinavia's constitution. If accepted, the controller is subject to the same terms outlined in 4.1.2 and 4.1.3.

5.2 Transfer

Any VATSIM member who is not part of VATSCA may apply for transfer via VATEUD, provided they meet the requirements outlined in 4.2.1.

After submitting the application, the member must contact the TD with details of their preferred primary control area. Upon acknowledgement of this email, the TD, in collaboration with the TA, will create a personalized LIP based on the member's rating and experience. The process will be similar to that outlined in 4.2.2.

6 Implementation & Transition

This policy will take effect from 10th July 2024.

For all new members requesting training, their chosen FIR will be designated as their Home Allocation.

For controllers who only operate within one FIR, this FIR will serve as their Home Allocation.

For controllers who operate in multiple FIRs, their Home Allocation will be the FIR where they last received rating training or where they currently have active rating training or are in the training queue.

Controllers who are currently active in more than one FIR will be eligible for visiting rights as per 4.1.1.

Any inquiries regarding this policy and its implementation should be directed to the TD.

7 Acknowledgements & Revisions

10th July 2024 – Jeppe Seier, Training Director

Date Revision Number Changes/affected sections
10 July 2024 1.0 Initial Release