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🎧 VFR flight from A to B

More specific phraseologies for VFR flights can be found in Standard Operating Procedures.


Flight plan

-DOF/210511 RMK/TGL EFOU0010 PIC TEL 010 123 156 EFOU)

A flight according to the flight plan with a C172 aircraft from Kuusamo via Oulu to Ahmosuo. According to the RMK field, the intention of the flight is touch-and-go landings in Oulu for approximately 10 minutes. Ahmosuo is an uncontrolled airfield located below the Oulu approach control area. Kuusamo and Oulu are served by local air traffic control (TWR).


1. Initial contact, taxi and clearance to leave Control Zone

👨‍✈️ OH-CME, at apron, information November, request taxi
OH-CME, asematasolla, tiedotus India, pyydän rullata
🎧 O-ME, taxi to holding point Alfa, leave control zone via Raito, 2000 feet or below, QNH 1014, squawk 3676
O-ME, rullaa odotuspaikalle Alfa, jätä lähialue Raidon kautta, 2000 jalkaa tai alapuolella, QNH 1014, koodaa 3676
👨‍✈️ Taxi to holding point Alfa, leave control zone via Raito, 2000 feet or below, QNH 1014, squawk 3676, O-ME
Rullaan odotuspaikalle Alfa, jätän lähialueen Raidon kautta, 2000 jalkaa tai alapuolella, QNH 1014, koodaan 3676, O-ME

2. Take-off

🎧 O-ME, via Alfa backtrack and lineup runway 30
O-ME, Alfan kautta rullaa takaisinpäin kiitotietä 30
👨‍✈️ Via Alfa backtrack and lineup runway 30, O-ME
Alfan kautta rullaan takaisinpäin kiitotietä 30, O-ME
🎧 O-ME, wind 290 degrees 10 knots, runway 30, cleared for take-off, (left turn)
O-ME, tuuli 290 astetta 10 solmua, kiitotie 30, selvä lentoonlähtöön (vasen kaarto)
👨‍✈️ Cleared for take-off runway 30, (left turn), O-ME
Selvä lentoonlähtöön kiitotie 30, (vasen kaarto), O-ME

3. Crossing VRP and leaving the Control Zone

👨‍✈️ O-ME, Raito outbound, 1900 feet
O-ME, Raito ulos, 1900 jalkaa
🎧 O-ME


Aircraft will continue flight in uncontrolled airspace and may contact Area Control for flight information services (FIS). Next radio contact is made with Oulu Radar.

4. Initial contact to Approach Control, clearance to Terminal Area

👨‍✈️ Oulu radar, OH-CME
Oulun tutka, OH-CME
🎧 O-ME, Oulu radar
O-ME, Oulun tutka
👨‍✈️ O-ME, Cessna 172, OUK radial 045, 28 miles, at 4000 feet, QNH 997, information Quebec, request clearance to terminal area
O-ME, Cessna 172, OUK radiaali 045 astetta, 28 mailia, 4000 jalkaa, QNH 997, tiedotus Quebec, pyydän selvitystä lähestymisalueelle
🎧 O-ME, cleared to Oulu terminal area, 4000 feet or below, QNH 997
O-ME, selvä Oulun lähestymisalueelle, 4000 jalkaa tai alapuolella, QNH 997
👨‍✈️ Cleared to terminal area, 4000 feet or below, QNH 997, O-ME
Selvä Oulun lähestymisalueelle, 4000 jalkaa tai alapuolella, QNH 997, O-ME

5. Clearance to Control Zone and transfer to Tower

Oulu Radar and Oulu Tower will coordinate a suitable clearance to Control Zone which will be given to the aircraft before transfer to Tower.

🎧 O-ME, join downwind runway 12, direct, 4000 feet or below
O-ME, liity myötätuuleen kiitotie 12, suoraan, 4000 jalkaa tai alapuolella
👨‍✈️ Join downwind runway 12, direct, 4000 feet or below, O-ME
Liityn myötätuuleen kiitotie 12, suoraan, 4000 jalkaa tai alapuolella, O-ME

Aircraft is now cleared direct towards the downwind leg.

🎧 O-ME, contact Oulu tower, 124.4
O-ME, ota yhteyttä Oulun torniin, 124.4
👨‍✈️ Contact Oulu tower, 124.4, O-ME
Otan yhteyttä Oulun torniin 124.4, O-ME


6. Initial contact to Tower, clearance for touch-and-go and leaving Control Zone

👨‍✈️ Oulu tower, OH-CME, 10 miles north east of airfield, 2100 feet
Oulun torni, OH-CME, 10 mailia koiliseen kentästä, 2100 jalkaa
🎧 O-ME, Oulu tower, descend to 1300 feet or below, (report downwind)
O-ME, Oulun torni, laskeudu 1300 jalkaan tai alapuolella, (ilmoita myötätuuli)
- - - - -
👨‍✈️ O-ME, downwind runway 12, touch and go
O-ME, myötätuuli kiitotie 12, läpilasku
🎧 O-ME, number 2, follow Diamond 42 on base leg runway 12
O-ME, vuoro 2, seuraa Diamond 42 perusosalla kiitotie 12
👨‍✈️ Number 2, following Diamond 42 on base leg runway 12, O-ME
Vuoro 2, seuraan Diamond 42 perusosalla kiitotie 12, O-ME
🎧 O-ME, wind 120 degrees, 4 knots, runway 12, cleared for touch and go, which after leave control zone via Unilo, 1300 feet or below, (left turn)
O-ME, tuuli 120 astetta, 4 solmua, kiitotie 12, selvä läpilaskuun, jonka jälkeen jätä lähialue Unilon kautta, 1300 jalkaa tai alapuolella, (vasen kaarto)
👨‍✈️ Cleared for touch and go, runway 12, which after leave control zone via Unilo, 1300 feet or below, (left turn), O-ME
Selvä läpilaskuun, kiitotie 12, jonka jälkeen jätän lähialueen Unilon kautta, 1300 jalkaa tai alapuolella, (vasen kaarto), O-ME
- - - - -
👨‍✈️ O-ME, Unilo outbound, 1200 feet
O-ME, Unilo ulos, 1200 jalkaa
🎧 O-ME

After this the aircraft will continue in uncontrolled airspace and land at Ahmosuo airfield.