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ESNQ - Kiruna
Overview Kiruna Airport is Sweden’s northernmost airport and is situated around 9 km from the cit...
Reykjavik GND
Reykjavik Ground (BIRK_GND) provides clearance delivery and ground control. As of 20th March 202...
This page highlights how operational information for ATS in Sweden FIR is distributed to controll...
Sondrestrom TWR
Sondrestrom Tower (BGSF_TWR) provides clearance delivery, ground, and tower control. Delivery N...
Special Airspace
There are several special airspace areas in Iceland, including recreational, training, prohibited...
VFR Flight Plans (Iceland)
In Iceland, plans are required for all VFR flights entering controlled airspace (which includes a...
VFR for Approach or ACC
VFR Cruising Levels From 3000ft – FL195, VFR aircraft are allocated cruising levels separated by...
Managing VFR Traffic in the CTR
Traffic Information In most cases, VFR aircraft are expected to maintain their own separation fr...
Transits & Other Flights
One may occasionally encounter VFR flights transiting through the CTR without landing, or perform...
A standard traffic circuit consists of four legs: crosswind, downwind, base, and final. In gen...
Departures (Leaving the CTR)
First Contact (Ground) On first contact with a VFR departure, Ground should assign them a squawk...
Arrivals (Entering the CTR)
If a VFR aircraft is entering the CTR controlled airspace, the transferring unit (i.e., the ATS u...
Sondrestrom APP
Sondrestrom Approach (BGSF_APP) provides an approach control service within the Sondrestrom TMA a...
Keflavik APP
Keflavik Approach (BIKF_APP) provides approach control service to all aircraft within the Keflavi...
Concorde at Keflavik (BIKF) in 1977. Concorde, the world’s only successful supersonic airliner, ...
Custom ALIAS Files
General The ALIAS file describes all the . (dot) shortcuts for Text pilots in Euroscope. The fi...
South Sector
The South sector directly overlies Iceland, containing the majority of the Icelandic Domestic A...
Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS)
Introduction to AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) is the provision of flight info...
Reykjavik TWR
Reykjavik Tower (BIRK_TWR) is responsible for BIRK’s runways, and for providing air traffic contr...
Keflavik TWR
Keflavik Tower (BIKF_TWR) is responsible for BIKF’s runways, and for providing ATC service in the...