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📄 Training Programs and Documents
Programs These documents describe in detail, which subjects ATC training in Vatsim Scandinavia wi...
Reykjavik APP
Reykjavik Approach (BIRK_APP) provides approach control service for all aircraft in the Reykjavik...
The following page lists information and procedures applicable to the entire Faxi TMA, i.e., both...
Single Engine VFR Routes (BIKF and BIRK)
Five VFR routes are published within the BIKF & BIRK CTRs for single-engine aircraft. These are p...
Basic Principles of VFR
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) governs flights operating in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) – i...
Reykjavik Airport (BIRK) is the second-largest airport in Iceland. It mainly handles domestic sch...
Low Visibility Procedures
At BIKF, Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) come into effect when either the ceiling or the touchdow...
Keflavik Int'l Airport (BIKF) is the main international airport serving Iceland. The gateway to I...
Data Protection Policy (Simplified)
📄 Collecting Your Info We collect info about you when you use our website and services, sign in t...
Other Privacy Documents
📄 Data Handling Policy 📄 Personal Data Breach and Deviation Handling Routine 📄 Data Protection Im...
Cookie Policy
Introduction We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance wi...