Recently Updated Pages
Procedural Approach
Akureyri Tower is unique within Iceland, in that it is the only TWR unit which also provides an a...
UPDATE: Effective 1 March 2024, BIAR requires a Tier 2 endorsement to control.All existing S2 con...
Training Policy for Mentors
Purpose To achieve a standard method and approach on training within VATSIM Scandinavia. This pol...
Emergencies and Abnormal Situations
Occasionally, pilots may wish to simulate emergencies or abnormal situations on VATSIM. On VATSIM...
A Quick Guide to Mach Numbers
One of the most common questions that VATSIM pilots ask when they fly in the BIRD CTA/OCA for the...
AIPs (Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands)
The Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) is a publication issued by or with the authority o...
NAT Doc 007
NAT Doc 007, formally known as the North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual, is the official...
Events and Rostering Policy
This policy document provides a comprehensive overview of the events and rostering guidelines for...
Never, under any circumstances, request random transfers to places you do not actually wish to tr...
Region Assignment
For assistance during this step create a ticket at Go to https://my....
Current Assignment
Before changing anything you must know the status quo. Go to Lo...
Updating sectorfiles
If you installed EuroScope following our guide, files should automatically download. Sectorfiles ...
Euroscope shortcuts
The below table shows the most used/useful shortcuts in Euroscope: Action needed Shortcut...
Profile Guidelines
Changelog Version Date Changes/notes 1.0 2019-11-04 ...
Airport Sceneries
General Payware: Microsoft Flight Sim...
TS VCCS (Ground to Ground Coordination)
1. Introduction Euroscope has an integrated voice coordination tool, called VCCS (voice communica...
Norway Bodo Oceanic FIR (ENOB): LOA ENOB BIRD.pdf Stavanger ACC (ENSV): LOA ENSV BIRD.pdf ...
EFHK pilot briefing
Helsinki Airport is the main international airport of the city of Helsinki, and the entire count...
Table of Contents Prerequisites Installation (Text) Installation (Video) Prerequisites Be...
VATSCA has in collaboration with AeroNav made the sector files, plugins, and other files availabl...