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🎓 Examination Templates
GCAP Examinations Templates for examiners to be used during checkouts and for writing the final e...
AFV (Audio for VATSIM)
Since 2018 VATSIM is using a new voice codec, reducing latency and increasing voice quality. Euro...
Introduktion till AFIS
Inledning Vad är AFIS? AFIS, eller flyginformationstjänst för flygplats (Aerodrome Flight Informa...
Controller Practical Test (CPT) policy for VATSCA
Introduction This guideline ensures fair and transparent student assessments across VATSIM Scand...
Keflavik DEL
Keflavik Delivery (BIKF_DEL) shall provide clearance delivery to departing IFR aircraft. As of 2...
Flow Management Procedures
Normally, on VATSIM, the Reykjavik CTA operates under the principle of “free flow,” meaning there...
Introduction to the Reykjavik CTA The Reykjavik Control Area (CTA), the controlled airspace that...
Login Procedures
Empty Position Whenever logging onto a position that no one else is covering (directly or top-do...
VFR Charts for Denmark & Copenhagen
Copenhagen Airspace & VFR Chart DENMARK Airspace & VFR Chart
Latest revision June 7th 2019 ⬇️ Read the constitution
ATS Instruction 14
ATS Instructions is the ATC bible, instructing how to control. It is a gathering of law docum...
S3 - Billund
S3 - Copenhagen
S2 - Billund
S1 - Billund
S1 -
S2 | Copenhagen
EKCH_S_GND Your main task is sequencing airplanes for startup, by use of TSATs Pre- Clearance: ...
RIU 04R/04L - TWR + GND
EKCH_A_TWR Familiarize yourself with Missed Approach procedure for the correct RWY! If gettin...
RIU 22R/22L - TWR + GND
EKCH_A_TWR You are in control of Cargo Apron and Hangar area. You may delegate to C_TWR if nee...
ICAO Doc 4444
ICAO Doc 4444 is the official standard for controllers. It is a long long document which sets t...